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              12 Archival description results for Certificates

              12 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-004-03-001 · Item · 1896
              Part of Staff, Council and Parent Collections

              1896 CHL Field Cornet certificate.
              Issued at the time that Dutch was still used as the official language of the Transvaal Republic.
              "The rank of field cornet (veldkornet) was used for the senior officer of a ward or sub-district in the independent republican states of the Transvaal and Oranje-Vrystaat in late 19th century South Africa. They were elected by the commandos of their ward for periods of three years." (Source: Wikipedia)

              Lombard, H S Veldkornet
              ZA ZAR STS 2021-001-001-07-30 · Item · 1981
              Part of Boys' Prep albums 1962 - 1982

              1981 BP Cleanliness Award original certificate. Note: The organisation presenting the certificate is not indicated on the document, but it does feature Zibi, the environmental mascot of the time.

              St Stithians College
              ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-007-003 · Item · 1939
              Part of Staff, Council and Parent Collections

              Citation which accompanied the awarding of the degree Masters of Education honoris causa to W G A Mears.
              The document is undated, but the accompanying compliments slip from UCT includes the name of A V H Carter, Registrar, who served the university from 1939 - 1955. As it was awarded whilst Mears was Headmaster of Rondebosch Boys' High (1930 - 1951), the possible date range is limited to the period 1939 - 1951.

              University of Cape Town
              ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-007-003-01 · Part · 1939
              Part of Staff, Council and Parent Collections

              Citation which accompanied the awarding of the degree Masters of Education honoris causa to W G A Mears.
              The document is undated, but the accompanying compliments slip from UCT includes the name of A V H Carter, Registrar, who served the university from 1939 - 1955. As it was awarded whilst Mears was Headmaster of Rondebosch Boys' High (1930 - 1951), the possible date range is limited to the period 1939 - 1951. page 1

              University of Cape Town
              ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-007-003-02 · Part · 1939
              Part of Staff, Council and Parent Collections

              Citation which accompanied the awarding of the degree Masters of Education honoris causa to W G A Mears.
              The document is undated, but the accompanying compliments slip from UCT includes the name of A V H Carter, Registrar, who served the university from 1939 - 1955. As it was awarded whilst Mears was Headmaster of Rondebosch Boys' High (1930 - 1951), the possible date range is limited to the period 1939 - 1951. page 2

              University of Cape Town