1953BC_0015: View of Collins House from the east showing terraces
UnknownCollins House
22 Archival description results for Collins House
1953BC_0008: Collins House
Unknown1953 HA 005 Collins House north west with car Feb 1953
Unknown1953 HA 007a Collins House north view 3
Unknown1953 HA 007b Collins House north
Unknown1953 HA 007d Collins House north view
Unknown1953 HA 007e Collins House north view
Unknown1953 HA 007f Collins House east
Unknown1953 HA 007g Collins House east
Unknown1953 HA 018c Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly towards Collins House.
Unknown1953 HA 019a Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly towards Collins House.
Unknown1953 HA 019a Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly towards Collins House.
Unknown1954 HA 107a Collins House as seen from the BC Classroom block
Derek Worman Photographer1957 BC Collins House ST p010; ST 1976 p109
Unknown1959 Iain Thornton letter to Helen Holmes 28th December 1959 re his being the first recipient of "The Good Citizen Prize" for which the shield was originally awarded. Iain was Head of the Boarders.
Thornton, Iain R G1959 Iain Thornton letter to Helen Holmes 28th December 1959 re his being the first recipient of "The Good Citizen Prize" for which the shield was originally awarded. Iain was Head of the Boarders.
Thornton, Iain R G1959 Iain Thornton letter to Helen Holmes 28th December 1959 re his being the first recipient of "The Good Citizen Prize" for which the shield was originally awarded. Iain was Head of the Boarders.
Thornton, Iain R G1961 HA 095 BC Collins House
1963 BC Collins Grade 8 dorm
1971 BC NC [Untitled] Lynx. Photograph of the lynx statue outside Collins House. No legend or identification of source.
Unknown1976 BC Collins House ST p016
Front row:
Back row:
Article describing the College, focusing on what it has to offer and its values.
Campbell, Dorothea