Digital links to stories of our alumni from the 1950s.
VariousFormal group photograph of the 1952 Grade 1 Class at an unidentified school that Norman Tickton attended before he joined the BP mid-year, 1953.
B.R.S. Photographers (Pty) Ltd.1953 BC Founders Plaque McLaren Collection
Boys' College1953 BC Grade 8 class
Derek Worman PhotographerInformal group photograph of the Grade 2 foundation class taken in September, 1953 just after Norman Tickton joined the school. The photograph was taken in the Chapel area and shows construction work and Collins House in the background.
UnknownInformal group photograph of the Grade 1 foundation class taken in July, 1953, just before Norman Tickton joined the school. The view is towards Zandfontein Farm, the site of the present day Sandton City.
UnknownFormal group photograph of the 1953 Grade 2 foundation class
Derek Worman Photographer1953 College Official Opening programme, 11th August, 1953.
St Stithians College1953 College Prospectus containing details of admission, fees, uniforms etc.
St Stithians College1954 First Annual Athletics Meeting 25th September 1954
St Stithians College1954 photograph of the Chapel from the Cheetah slopes. The date of the photograph was estimated from the state of the grounds surrounding the building.
Unknown1954 Chapel Opening programme
St Stithians College1954c Dining Hall.
The date of the photograph is estimated from similar photographs.
1954c Chapel and school from Collins House.
The date of the photograph is estimated from similar photographs.
Formal group photograph of the 1955 Grade 4 class taken in front of BC reception.
Unknown1956 BC Grade 11 class
Unknown1956 BC Matric Dinner: "Coming of Age" dinner, 8th December 1956
Contains details of the first Matriculants, Founder students and the Staff and Council members at the time.
Formal group photograph of the 1956 Grade 5 class taken in front of the Chapel doors.
Unknown1956c Prefects Charge original sketch
Holmes, Helen1956c Prefects Charge original sketch 001 (front)
Holmes, Helen1956c Prefects Charge original sketch 002 (verso)
Holmes, Helen1957 BC Cricket 1st XI ST 070
Back row: T. Ryan, S. Maxwell, T. Sutcliffe, P.A. Lunn, J.G. Turner, M.C. Bresler, B. van Eyk, T. Christensen, R.D. Bradley;
Front row: M.D. Wilson, R. Mercer-Tod, E.P. Pfaff (capt.), Mr W Mears, Mr R.E. Hudson-Reed, M.J. Nayler (vice-capt.), A.M. Marriner.
1957 BC Matric Dinner: "Farewell dinner to the Second Company of the '53rd Pioneers" dinner, 7th December 1957.
Program contains menu and names of Class of 1957 as well as those of Staff and Council members.
1957 BC Rugby TBI McLaren Collection NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1957 BP Football NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
Coach: Mr D Dent
1957 College 2nd Diner-Dansant, Inanda Club, 9th October 1957
St Stithians College1958 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p072 McLaren Collection
Back row: T Ryan, S Maxwell, T Sutcliffe, P A Lunn, M C Bresler, B van Eyck, T Christensen, R D Bradley
Front row: M D Wilson, R Mercer-Todd, E P Pfaff (Capt.), Mr W Mears, Mr R Hudson- Reed, M J Naylor (Vice-captain), A M Marriner
1958 BC Cricket U13A XI ST 078
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
Players include: D.H. Fox, R. van Eyk, P. Macintosh, G.M. Martin, G. O. Read, D. Boles, J. Arthur, C.J.B. Breyer-Menke, J.W. Hayward, H.R. Laburn (capt.), J. Rowe, K. L. Averbuch.
1958 BP Football 1st XI ST p056
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
Players include: R. Walton, P. S. Denniss, N.J. Tickton, B. Daniel, K. Read, G. Read, D.H. Fox, R. Kable, J.W. Hayward, R. van Eyk, W. J. de Maar (capt.), R. Thom.
Formal group photograph of the 1958 BP Soccer 1st XI team taken in front of the Chapel doors.
Derek Worman PhotographerDigital links to stories of our alumni from 1959.
Various1959 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS McLaren Collection
Back row: B. L. Black, B. van Eyk, C McLeod, B. G. Ditcham, P. Lunn, T. Sutcliffe, T. Ryan, J.P. Ullman;
Front ow: D.M. Hardy, M.C. Bressler (capt.), Mr W.G. Mears (Headmaster), Mr D. E. Hudson-Reed, S. Maxwell (capt. - 1st term), R.D. Bradley.
1959 BC Cricket U13A p080
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
Players include: N.J. Tickton, K. Averbuch, N. Hardres-Williams, G. Donaldson, R.T. Hosford, P. Nash, B. Smither, R. Fraser, R. Kable, J. W. Hayward (capt.), D. H. Fox, P. Arnold.
Coach: Mr D. Dent
1959 BC Rugby 1st XV p066
Back row: J.P. Ullman, B.G. Ditcham, T. Sutcliffe, P.A. Weaver, J.C. Preston, L.P. Bradfield;
Second row: P.E. Veit, P. Lunn, B. Hambleton-Jones, T. Leach, D.D. Scott;
Front row: B. van Eyk, T. Ryan (capt.), Mr M.T. S. Krige, Mr W.G.A. Mears, D.M. Hardy (vice-capt.), V.E. Meagher.
1959 BP Football 1st XI ST p058
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 – 1961
Players include: M. Butt, W. Cousens, R. Fraser, B. Keller, M. Dickinson, G. Johnson, J. Landey, H. Gordon, R. McLaren, P. Nash (capt.), D. A. Lowe, B. Smither.
Coach: Mr D Dent
1959 Iain Thornton letter to Helen Holmes 28th December 1959 re his being the first recipient of "The Good Citizen Prize" for which the shield was originally awarded. Iain was Head of the Boarders.
Thornton, Iain R G1959 Iain Thornton letter to Helen Holmes 28th December 1959 re his being the first recipient of "The Good Citizen Prize" for which the shield was originally awarded. Iain was Head of the Boarders.
Thornton, Iain R G1959 Iain Thornton letter to Helen Holmes 28th December 1959 re his being the first recipient of "The Good Citizen Prize" for which the shield was originally awarded. Iain was Head of the Boarders.
Thornton, Iain R G1959 OSA Annual Dinner, Wanderers Club, 14th October 1959: programme and menu.
Old Stithian AssociationDigital link to Terry Ryan's history and achievements:
Photograph of Terry Ryan at Wimbledon in 1968 courtesy
1959c OSA Draft Proposal for OSA Clubhouse on the north east section of the College property. The document refers to a meeting at the Methodist Central Hall and may be assumed to have been between the OSA and the College Council.
St Stithians College1960 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS
Back row: B.L.B. Black, M.T. Hughes, R.C. Sutton, L.P. Bradfield;
2nd row: W.J. de Maar, C. McLeod, G.G. Michelmore, B.P. Cooper, K Cooper;
Front row: T. Sutcliffe (capt.), Mr R.E. Hudson-Reed, Mr W.G.A. Mears (Headmaster), R.D. Bradley (vice-capt.), J.P. Ullman.
1960 BC Cricket TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 – 1961
1960 BC Cricket U13 A ST p082 McLaren Collection
Legend not available in Stythian 1958 - 1961
Players included:
S. Nash, B. Joscelyne, P. Nash, G. Johnson, B. Smither, R. McLaren, J. W. Hosford, R. Fraser, G. S. Smith, A. Lacey-Smith, R. Kable (capt.), J. Lorentz.
Coach: Mr D Dent
1960 BC Cricket U13A ST p082
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 – 1961
Players included: S. Nash, B. Joscelyne, P. Nash, G. Johnson, B. Smither, R.
McLaren, J. W. Hosford, R. Fraser, G. S. Smith, A. Lacey-Smith, R. Kable (Capt.), J. Lorentz.
1960 BP Cricket TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1960 OSA Annual Dinner, Wanderers Club, 8th September 1960: programme and menu.
Old Stithian Association1960c BP holiday trip to Natal South Coast group photograph
Fargher, BrianDigital links to stories of our alumni from the 1960s.
Various1961 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS
Back row: N J Tickton, G M Martin, K Cooper, J W Hosford;
2nd row: J W Hayward, N Richardson, D H Fox, M T Hughes, H R Laburn;
Front row: C B Jackson, B L Black (Capt.), Mr RE Hudson-Reed, Mr W G A Mears (headmaster), B P Cooper, J D Gillham.
1961 BC Cricket U14A NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 – 1961
1961 BC Hockey 1st XI NIS McLaren Collection
Legend: Not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1961 BC Hockey 2nd XI NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1961 BC Matric Class St (1962) p013 McLaren Collection
Back row: N. Hjelm, L. Lauf, P. Boustead, J. Gillham, B. Black, H. Poole;
2nd row: A. Riceman, N. Harris, H. Mulock-Houwer, R. Wiener, J. Davis, P. Wilhelm;
Front row: N. Richardson, C. Jackson, W.G.A. Mears, Esq., (Headmaster), M. Acott, M. Bolton.
Absent: N. Roberts
1961 BC Rugby 1st XV ST 1962 p047
Back row: J.D. Gillham, D.W. Roberts, S. Puth, W. J. de Maar, R.E. Wiener, N. Richardson, R. Thom;
Second row: C.B. Jackson, L. Lauf, R. Glatthaar, B.P. Cooper, S.B. Miller, I.J.Finnie:
Front row: G.M. Martin, M.C. Bolton (capt.), M. T. S. Krige, Esq., W. G. A. Mears, Esq. (Headmaster), B. L. Black (vice-capt.), G.O. Read.
1961 BC Rugby U14 TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 – 1961
1961 BC Rugby U14 XV NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian magazine.
1961 BP Cricket 1st XI NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1961 BP Football TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1961 BP Swimming team NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1961 BP Swimming team NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian magazine, 1957 - 1961
1961 BP Tennis team NIS TBI McLaren Collection NIS
Legend: Not available in Stythian 1957 - 1961
1961 OSA Fourth Annual Dinner, Wanderers Club, 19th September 1961: programme and menu.
Old Stithian Association1962 BC Cricket 1st XI:
Back row: D. Fox, R. van Eyk, R. Hosford, J. Arthur, N. Tickton, G. Johnson;
Front row: H. Laburn, B. P. Cooper (capt.), Mr M. T. S. Krige (Headmaster), Mr R. E. Hudson-Reed, J. Fox, J. Hayward.
1962 BC Cricket 2nd XI NIS McLaren Collection
Legend: Not available in Stythian 1962
Players included: C.J. Breyer-Menke (capt.), H. Gordon, T. McNeill, D. Lowe, R.M. Fraser, J. Hosford, J.M. Cooper, A. Tyte, B. Hartung, R. McLaren and J. Ruffel.
1962 BC Cricket 3rd XI NIS McLaren Collection
Legend: Not available in Stythian 1962
Players included: R. Thomson (capt.), G. Read, P. Vickers, S. Maxwell, M. Farley, G. O. Read, S. Miller, J. Vickers, J. Piquet, M. Brown, K. Kay, N. Barcza.
1962 BC Matric class:
Back row: P G Martin, R Beckman, I Finnie, C Hallam, P Vickers, S Miller, J Pfaff;
Middle row: R Thomson, J G Mackay, I Griffiths, M Thom, C Menke, M Jackson-Smith, T McNeil, R Everest, T Ferguson, J Fox;
Front row: G Read, W de Maar, W Moir, B P Cooper, Mr M T S Krige (Headmaster), Mr R Erasmus (Class Master), G M Martin (Head Prefect), R Cope, S Puth, R Hosford.
1962 BC Prefects ST p024 McLaren Collection
Back Row: B. P. Cooper (Mountstephens), R. Thomson, J. Fox , S. Puth (Mountstephens);
Front row: R. Hosford (Collins), W. Moir (Mountstephens), G. Martin (Head Prefect), M. T. S. Krige, Esq., (Headmaster), V. L. Clegg, Esq., (Second Master), R. Cope (Mountstephens), G. Read (Collins), W. de Maar (Collins).
1962 BC Rugby 1st XV NIS McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
Players included: B.P. Cooper, W. de Maar, I. Finnie, R. Glatthaar, P.G. Martin, S. Miller, D. Murray, S. Puth, G. Read, P. Vickers, N.E. Blue, I. Duncan, J.W. Hayward, R. McLaren, R.D. Martin, A.J. Maxwell, R.G. Palmer, D.J. Payne, N.J. Tickton.
1962 BC Rugby 2nd XV NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
Players included: Ruffel, van Eyk, R. Hosford, Hayward, Read, Laburn, Blue, J. Fox, Moir, Ansell, Murray, Cope (vice-capt.), Thomson, P. Vickers, Finnie (capt.), Tyte, Pfaff.
1962 BC Rugby U13 XV TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BC Rugby U14 NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BC Rugby U15 NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BP Cricket 1st XI ST p070 McLaren Collection
1962 BP Cricket 1st XI ST p070
Back Row: J. Legh, R. Plumb, K. McLaren, I. Green, B. Nash, M. Read, J. Houmoller.
Front row: A. Shaw-Smith, P. Waterson (capt.), M. T. S. Krige, Esq., (Headmaster), D. R. Warren Esq., M. Keevy.
1962 BP Cricket NIS TBI 01
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BP Cricket TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BP Football 1st XI ST p071
Back row: K. McLaren, J. Argyle, R. Schoeman, I. Green, A. Mason.
Front row: C. du Plooy, A. Shaw-Smith, P. Waterson (capt.), M.T.S. Krige, Esq., (Headmaster), D.A. Dent, Esq., G. Dalziel (Vice-Capt.), C. Arbous, S. Lund
1962 BP Football NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BP Football team at St Johns NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1960 BP Football TBI NIS
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 – 1961
Players included: C. Pomeroy-Ward, A. Trickett, I. Watt, L. Barends, G. Fryer, D. Robertson (capt.), G. Kable, J. Walton, O. Ruffel, G. Fidler, G. Roxburgh, A. Thompson (vice-capt.), K. Smit, P. Kneen, R. Wooler and G. Holness.
Coach: Mr L. Kernick
1962 BP Swimming team NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
1962 BP Tennis team ST p074 McLaren Collection
Back row: P. Shapiro, K. McLaren, B. Nash, J. Argyle;
Front row: M. Keevy, M. Read (capt.), P. Waterson (vice-capt.), A. Shaw-Smith.
1963 BC Collins Grade 8 dorm
1963 BC Cricket XI NIS TBI
Back Row: G. Shaw-Smith, R. Gordon, R. van Eyk, G. Johnson, J. Arthur, R. McLaren, D. Fox, H. Joscelyne;
Front row: J. Hayward, H. Laburn (capt.), M. T. S. Krige, Esq. (Headmaster), R. E. Hudson-Reed, Esq., N. Tickton (vice-capt.), R. Kable.
1963 OSA Sixth Annual Dinner, Hyde Park Hotel, 23rd October 1963: programme and menu.
Old Stithian Association1963c College: Method of Acceptance of Pupils [circular from the Headmaster].
The date of the document is estimated from the time that Krige became Headmaster of the College.
Digital links to stories of our alumni from1964
Various1964 BC Biology trip to Inhaca Island Mozambique
1964 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 963
1964 BC Mountstephens House NIS TBI McLaren Collection
Legend: not available
1964 BC Rugby 1st XV NIS. The back of the mounted photograph contains a typed copy of an obituary to Norman Tickton who passed away on 18th June 1973.
Back row: I. Clough, I Duncan, B. Mann, R. Martin, A. Lacey-Smith,;
2nd row: G. Johnson, G. Theobald, J Ruffel, D. Payne, R. Mclaren, M. Scach, A. Maxwell;
Front row: G. Smith, N. Tickton (capt.), Mr. W. Ellis, Mr. Krige, Mr. Bourquin, R. Palmer (vice-capt.), J. Hayward.
1964 BP Cricket U10A team Woods Collection NIS
Legend not available in Stythian magazine, however, the following players are listed in Stythian 1974 as having played for the team:
P. Dewes (Capt.), F. Legh, J. Harding, R. Burge, I. Woods, G. Daniel, A. Franklin, R. Friedman, J. Dewes, I. Evans, C. Windell, M. Wood and B. Donaldson.
1965 BC Athletics: Mrs Legh presents the prizes
Drysdale, Douglas1965 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p031 ST Atkinson Collection
Back row: A. Margau, L. Powell, G. Johnson, J. Ruffel, J. Argyle, B. Atkinson, H. Joscelyne, I. White (scorer);
Seated: G. Kable, G. Smith (capt.), J. V. Woodley, Esq., M. T. S. Krige, Esq., (Headmaster), A. Lacey-Smith, P. Goldberg.
1965 BC D9 and U9 classrooms under construction
Drysdale, Douglas1965 BC Swimming Gala: Mrs Read presents the prizes
Drysdale, Douglas1965 BP classrooms construction
Drysdale, Douglas1965 Campus view to BC and Sandton. The staff house closest to the squash courts can be seen under construction.
Drysdale, Douglas1966 Surrey CC 2nd XI Ken Cooper
Legend not available, but Ken Cooper (Class of 1963) is pictured in the back row on the left at the time he played for the Surry 2nd XI.
1966c St Stithians College [prospectus]
The date of the document is estimated from the fee structure included in the document.