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1984 BC College Prefects ST p004
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-04-05-09 · Item · 1984
Parte de Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1984 BC College Prefects ST p004
Back row: A. Frost, J. Kabalin, P. Phitidis, G. Heath, A. Davies;
Middle row: M. Koep, A. Sutherland, J. Nolte, A. Benadie, G. Castle, P. Upfold, A. de Leo;
Front row: Mr. M. Stalley (Deputy Head), C. Archbold, I. Alexander (Head Prefect), Mr. M. Henning (Headmaster), G. Vercueil, L. Sherrell, Mr. H. Jansen (Deputy Head).

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1985 BC College Prefects ST p007
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-04-06-06 · Item · 1985
Parte de Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1985 BC College Prefects ST p007
Back row: G. B. Dewar, A. L. van Coller, A. T. Foote, J. E. Sturmann, M. van der Walt, P. L. Jansen;
Second row: D. R. Sobey, G. M. Thorburn, Mr. A. A. During, P. A. Hunt, K. F. Leschner;
Front row: Mr. H. J. Jansen, P. J. Brink, Mr. M. Henning, G. J. de Decker, Mr. M. D. Stalley.

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1982 BC College Prefects ST p009
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-04-03-05 · Item · 1982
Parte de Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1982 BC College Prefects ST p009
Back row: R.A. Koep, M.G. Eckersley, G.D. Bridger, A.J. Frost, A.L. Budd;
Middle row: M.D. Stalley, A.M. Sobey, R. W. McCall, M.F. Ellis, N.C. Rowley, C.W. Dicks;
Front row: A.P. Ferrett, Mr K.C. Hovelmeier, M.B. Matthews (Head Boy), Mr M Henning (Headmaster), G.A. Waters, Mr H.J. Jansen, S.A. Crosby.

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1980 BC College Prefects ST p009
ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-012-01-025 · Item · 1980
Parte de Staff, Council and Parent Collections

1980 BC College Prefects ST p009
Back Row: R.J. Brooke, D.M. Thorrold, K.R. Waters, B.L. Allan, G.A. Halse, A.P. Anagnostaras, D.J. Goedhart, M.E. Walsh, G.B. Pohl, E.R.G. Atmore;
Front Row: R.F. Podesta, P.D.W.W. Grosskopf, V. L. Clegg (Second Master), G.W. Hood (Head Boy), M. Henning (Headmaster), W.J. Leslie, Mr. K. Hovelmeier, C.M. Ducat, Mr. H.J. Jansen.

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