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ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-03-02 · Item · 1972
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1972 BC Athletics Team ST p062
Back row: M. Penman, R. Dodds, D. Steyn, R. Mumford, D. Barnes, M. Webb, L. Venning-Pridham, A. Braunswick, J. Abbott, N. Wilkinson, G. Woodworth, S. Woodward, G. Mann, M. Summerscales;
Middle row: G. Eckersley, A. Oberholzer, S. Vernede, B. Alexander, P. Kuilman, T. Aitken, R. Gerber, R. Clare, P. Stevens, G. Pyne-James, G. Blumenthal, N. Campbell;
Front row: D. Burton, R. Brenchley, J. van Wermeskerken, A. Oberholzer, S. Bayne, Mr. J. Helliwell, R. Paton-Ash, P. van Aswegen, M. Chasey, G. Douglas, B. Lipsett.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-03-03 · Item · 1972
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1972 BC Lifesaving team ST p049
Back row: D. Goldhill, R. Soares, S. Rundle, D. Jeoffreys, M. Chasey, W. Ketelby, A. Robertson, A. Massey, A. Ross;
Middle row: R. Gilbert, P. Ekon, R. Bruton, B. Bruton, G. Eckersley, S. Bowley, M. Botha.
Front row: R. Gerber, G. Burgess, A. Braunswick, A. Needham, S. Posnett, A. Tatham.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-03-31 · Item · 1972
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1972 BC Swimming Team ST p049
Back row: P. James, E. Hayter, R. Stanley, M. Lange, B. Bruton, M. Chasey, G. Eckersley, S. Bray, C. Baillie McEwan, A. Robertson;
3rd row: R. Gilbert, M. Carlsson, R. Bruton, N. Wallace, P. Ekon, S. Bowley, W. Ainge, M. Botha, A. Massey, C. Clarke;
2nd row: J. Abbott, T. Hargreaves, S. Rundle, L. Venning-Pridham, P. Dossena, P. Kuilman, P. Henderson, B. Baker, A. Braunswick, V. Davies;
Front row: E. Freemantle, F. Winder, G. Burgess, A. Needham, D. Raynham, H.B. Thorpe, V.L. Clegg, P. Botha, S. Posnett, D. Hill, L. Buck.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-04-21 · Item · 1973
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1973 BC Rugby U15A XV ST p035
Back row: G L Blumenthal, G N Eckersley, R J Clare, L M Borowski, S H Auret, K C Massey;
Middle row: A A Ross, D P Steyn, M J G Botha, A I R Massey, S D Bowley, G I Mann;
Front row: R J Stanley, Mr J Helliwell, I E M Wentzel, G R King, C R Clarke.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-04-22 · Item · 1973
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1973 BC Swimming Team ST p043
Back row: A Braunswick, G Eckersey, P Kuilman, P Gerber, T Hargreaves, E Freemantle, P Dossena;
4th row: N Botha, S Bray, V Davies, P Roussos, P James, W Ainge, N Carlsson;
3rd row: A Massey, M Wallace, B Bruton, R Stanley, C Clarke, R McEwan, G Carter, R Fahrenheim;
2nd row: T Botha, K Beswick, L Pienaar, R Gilbert, G Bell, S Bowley, R Bruton, D Basnett, G Woolley
Front row: Mr H Jansen, B Baker, P Roussos, D Raynham, G Burgess (capt.), Mr H B Thorpe, A Needham, M Chasey, D Hill, M Webb, Mr V L Clegg.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-05-02 · Item · 1974
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1974 BC Athletics Team ST p067
Back Row: K. Rainier, M. Tickton, G. Mann, M. Sherrell, N. Dunn, R. Robinson Eckersley, G. Christiane, R. Mumford, G. Bell, R. Croxford, N. Fergusson, P. de Vos, R. Bruton, R. Sneddon, I. Simms, M. Halamandres;
Middle Row: Mr. J. Helliwell, S. Woodward, I. Dodds, I. Hunter, G. Carter, C. Nel, J. Sheldrake, L. Borowski, D. Couzyn, P. Kuilman, P. Bennetti, G. Lockwood, P. Christelis, N. Wilkinson, D. Barnes, R. Matthews, G. Bell;
Front Row: M. Lowe, M. Chasey, S. Vernede, A. Oberholzer, M. Sidwell, R. Johnstone, P. Stevens (capt.), N.
Campbell, G. Douglas, R. Beattie, C. Clarke, R. Clare, G. Eckersley.

Boys' College
1974 BC Rugby 2nd XV ST p054
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-05-26 · Item · 1974
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1974 BC Rugby 2nd XV ST p054
Back row: M. A. Knight, B. Baker, R. B. Maarschalk, S. R. F. Ford, G. N. Eckersley, M. A. Posnett;
Middle row: S. D Bowley, R. Howard, G. Billis, S. H. Auret, N. Campbell, J. E. Abbott.
Front row: M. Botha, A. A. Ross, Mr M Henning (Headmaster & coach), J. W. Dewes, P. Knight, B. Bruton.

Boys' College
1974 BC Swimming 01 ST p047
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-05-30 · Item · 1974
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1974 BC Swimming 01 ST p047
Back row: J. Rundle, R. Pike, L. Pienaar, R. Bruton, G. Eckersley, L. Coogan, S. Bray, R. Sneddon G. Christiane, M. Holmes, C. Zarge, D. Basnett, G. Whitelaw;
Middle row: M. Botha, M. Wallace, P. Johnston, W. Ainge, A. Pike, P. Kuilman, R. Bailey-McEwan P. James, C. Clarke, P. Christelis, G. Carter;
Front row: R. Brigden, D. Klein, R. Stanley, B. Baker, A. Needham (capt.), Mr. H. B. Thorpe, Mr. V. L. Clegg, M. Chasey, G. Eckersley, B. Bruton, R. Gilbert.
Seated in front: K. Rainier, D. O’Regan, T. Botha.

Boys' College
1975 BC 12 Club ST p006
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-01 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC 12 Club ST p006
Back row: S.H. Auret, S.C. Viljoen, R.J. Clare, G.N. Eckersley, D.A. Henman, R.J. Nevin, S.J. Woodward;
Front row: Rev. H.K. Nel (Chaplain), M.L. Naudé, R.D. Gilbert, A.R. Pienaar, J.C. Stephen, D.B. Parlour.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-02 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC Athletics team ST p050
Back row: T. Klein, A. Carter, R. Klein, G. Carter, R. Mumford, P Bennetti, R. Tritton, J. Pearce, S. Ford, S. Woodward, G. Lockwood, I. Hunter, Christiane, R. Sneddon, M. Halamandres;
Second row: Mr. J. Helliwell (coach), G. Curtis, R. Henning, M. Holmes, N. Fergerson, J. Sheldrake, M. Park, G. Eckersley, A. Pike, C. Clarke, T. McAdam, G. Eckersley, A. Von Glehn, G. Bell, C. Rupert;
Front row: G. Bell, P. Graylin, G. Mann, M. Sherrell, A. Robinson, R. Clarke, N. Wilkinson, R. Matthews, P. de Vos, L. Borowski, M. Tickton, K. Rainier.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-15 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC Honours Awards ST p010
Back row: L. Pienaar (Swimming), G. King (Rugby), T.A. Middelton (Hockey), M.H. Park (Cricket and Hockey), D.B. Parlour (Academics), M.A. Posnett (Rowing), A.I.R. Massey (Rugby), L.M.G. Venning-Pridham (Rugby), M. Wallace (Swimming), G.I. Mann (Rugby);
Front row: M.L. Naudé (Academics), J.C. Stephen (Academics), G.N. Eckersley (Swimming), S. Rundle (Rowing and Rugby), R.J. Clare (Rugby), A.R. Pienaar (Academics), R.D. Gilbert (Academics).

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-29 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC Rugby 1st XV p030 001
Front row: Mr. T.J. Clifford, S.D. Bowley, N. Wilkinson, P. Howard, G.N. Eckersley, K.C. Massey, R.J.P. Stanley, B.D. Bruton, D. Steyn, N. Williams;
Front Row: R. Bruton, G.I. Mann, A.I.R. Massey, R.J. Clare (capt), S. Rundle, G.R. King, L.M.G. Venning-Pridham. P.L. Knight.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-30 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p030 002
Front row: Mr. T.J. Clifford, S.D. Bowley, N. Wilkinson, P. Howard, G.N. Eckersley, K.C. Massey, R.J.P. Stanley, B.D. Bruton, D. Steyn, N. Williams;
Front Row: R. Bruton, G.I. Mann, A.I.R. Massey, R.J. Clare (capt), S. Rundle, G.R. King, L.M.G. Venning-Pridham. P.L. Knight.

Boys' College
ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-012-01-018 · Item · 1975
Part of Staff, Council and Parent Collections

1975 BC Swimming team ST p044
Back Row: M. Lange, J. Rundle, M. Parry, R. Sneddon, D. Patrick, R. Gilbert, G. Stanley, R. Sobey, D. O’Regan;
Middle Row: C. Clarke, H. Holmes, B. Stacey, L. Coogan, P. Christelis, A. Ferramosca, R. Farrenheim, G. Christiane, G. Ball, C. Zarge, R. Klein, C. Carter, R. Bruton;
Front Row: B. Bruton, R. Stanley, L. Pienaar, M. Wallace, Mr. H. Thorpe, B. Baker, Mr. V. Clegg, G. Eckersley, P. Kuilman, P. James, R. Johnstone.

1975 BC Swimming team ST p44
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-37 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC Swimming team ST p44
Back row: M. Lange, J. Rundle, M. Parry, R. Sneddon, D. Patrick, R. Gilbert, G. Stanley, R. Sobey, D. O’Regan;
Middle row: C. Clarke, M. Holmes, B. Stacey, L. Coogan, P. Christelis, A. Ferramosca, R. Fahrenheim, G. Christiane, G. Ball, C. Zarge, R. Klein, C. Carter, R. Bruton;
Front Row; B. Bruton, R. Stanley, L. Pienaar, M. Wallace, Mr. H. Thorpe, B. Baker, Mr. V. Clegg, G. Eckersley, P. Kuilman, P. James, R. Johnstone.

Back row:

Boys' College
1975 BC TBI NIS 001
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-03-06-38 · Item · 1975
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1975 BC TBI NIS 001 (possibly Swimming Honours & Colours or Water Polo)
Legend: not available in Stythian 1975. Some individuals identified from other photographs
Back row: TBI, TBI, G. Eckersley, B. Baker
Front row: M.H. Park, T.A. Middleton, R.J. Clare, S. Rundle

Boys' College