The first Rugby team at the College that played St Johns College
TBI - names of individuals to be confirmed.
The photograph is likely to have included the following (amongst others):
Ashfield, Miller, Craven, Abraham, Curtis, Wilkinson, Unite, Mercer-Tod, Driver, Swan, Vickers
Woolley, Cruddas, Buchan, Taylor.
1957 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p062 Team photograph
Back row: A Callard, JF Vickers, DM Hardy, LS Wood, JW Mair, CP Cook, GJW Wilkinson;
Middle row: PH Livingstone, JF Rosewarne, GM Miller (capt.), Mr Krige, RW Taylor (vice-capt.), , B Young, PLJ Nel;
Front row: RF Mercer-Tod, JA Thompson, BWA Kellar, MH Endenburg
1958 HA 068a Staff vs OSA Hockey match
Wally Mears, Steyn Krige
1959 BC Hockey 1st XI team photograph NIS
Back row: R Jonathan, C Jackson, C McLeod, T Ryan, DM Hardy, BG Ditcham, WR Tarboton, JP Ullman
Front row: D Reed, T Leach (capt.), Mr Mears, Mr Krige, MC Bresler, KR Cronwright
1959 BC Matric Class photograph
Back row: R J C Pellow, S Maxwell, D T Robertson (Library Prefect), P A Weaver, C R Roper, V E Meagher, I W Beith, P E P Veit;
Front row: Mr E M Harris (Form Master), M C Bresler (Prefect), D D Scott (Prefect), M W G A Mears (Headmaster), T Leach (Prefect), B Hambleton-Jones (Prefect), Mr M T S Krige ( Vice-principal).
1959 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p066
Back row: JP Ullman, BG Ditcham, T Sutcliffe, PA Weaver, JC Preston, LP Bradfield;
Middle row: PEP Veit, P Lunn, B Hambleton-Jones, T Leach, DD Scott;
Front row: B van Eyk, T Ryan (capt.), Mr MTS Kirge, MrWGA Mears, DM Hardy (vice-capt.), VE Meagher
1960 BC Hockey 1st XI ex Cliff Jackson collection
Back row: A Moir, MC Bolton, PG Boustead, BP Cooper, KR Cronwright, JP Ullman, NR Richardson
Front row: B L Black, DH Reed (capt.), Mr Krige, C Jackson (vice-capt.), MP Acott
1960 BC Rugby 1st XV ST 1957-1961 p068
Back row: L P Bradfield, C V Malan, J C Preston, C McLeod, MC Bolton, B L B Black,
2nd row: W J de Maar, T J Sutcliffe, A N McMillan, D H Reed, R D Michelmore, K R Cronwright
Front row: B Van Eyk, J P Ullman, W G A Mears, M T S Krige, A Moir
1961 BC Geology Lab ST 1957-1961 p030
Boys' College1961 BC Hockey 1st XI NIS Cliff Jackson collection
Front row:
2nd row:
Back row:
Photograph of Hockey 2nd XI team, 1961
Derek Worman Photographer1961 BC Hockey 2nd XI Bill Moir collection
Front row:
Back row:
1961 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p047 Cliff Jackson collection
Back row: JD Gillham. DW Roberts, S Puth, WJ de Maar, RE Wiener, N Richardson, R Thom;
Middle row: CB Jackson, L Lauf, R Glatthaar, BP Cooper, SB Miller, IJ Finnie;
Front row: GM Martin, MC Bolton (capt.), Mr MTS Krige, M WGA Mears, BL Black (vice-capt.), G O Read
1961 BC Rugby 2nd XV Bill Moir collection
Back row: N Hjelm, H Mulock-Houwer, R Thomson, E Evert , Roger Cope;
Middle row: P Wilhelm, R Thom, J Fox, K Cooper, M Jackson-Smith, H. Laburn;
Front row: A Tyte, PG Martin, P Boustead, P Vickers, W Moir.
1962 BC Matric class:
Back row: P G Martin, R Beckman, I Finnie, C Hallam, P Vickers, S Miller, J Pfaff;
Middle row: R Thomson, J G Mackay, I Griffiths, M Thom, C Menke, M Jackson-Smith, T McNeil, R Everest, T Ferguson, J Fox;
Front row: G Read, W de Maar, W Moir, B P Cooper, Mr M T S Krige (Headmaster), Mr R Erasmus (Class Master), G M Martin (Head Prefect), R Cope, S Puth, R Hosford.
1962 BC Matric class:
Back row: P G Martin, R Beckman, I Finnie, C Hallam, P Vickers, S Miller, J Pfaff;
Middle row: R Thomson, J G Mackay, I Griffiths, M Thom, C Menke, M Jackson-Smith, T McNeil, R Everest, T Ferguson, J Fox;
Front row: G Read, W de Maar, W Moir, B P Cooper, Mr M T S Krige (Headmaster), Mr R Erasmus (Class Master), G M Martin (Head Prefect), R Cope, S Puth, R Hosford.
1962 BC Rugby 1st XV 001 NIS
Back Row: PG Martin, I Finnie, R Palmer, R Glatthaar, G Read, J Cooper;
Middle Row: N Tickton, J Vickers, R Cope, BP Cooper, S Miller, P Vickers, B Hartung;
Front row: G M Martin, W de Maar (capt.j, M. T. S. Krige, (Headmaster), R. E. Hudson-Reed, S. Puth (vice-capt.),
T. Stiebel, R. Thom;
Back row:
1962 BC Rugby 1st XV 001 NIS
Back Row: PG Martin, I Finnie, R Palmer, R Glatthaar, G Read, J Cooper;
Middle Row: N Tickton, J Vickers, R Cope, BP Cooper, S Miller, P Vickers, B Hartung;
Front row: G M Martin, W de Maar (capt.j, M. T. S. Krige, (Headmaster), R. E. Hudson-Reed, S. Puth (vice-capt.),
T. Stiebel, R. Thom;
1962 BP Cricket 1st XI ST p070 Malcolm Keevy collection
Back Row: J. Legh, R. Plumb, K. McLaren, I. Green, B. Nash, M. Read, J. Houmoller;
Seated: A. Shaw-Smith, P. Waterson (capt.), M. T. S. Krige, (Headmaster),
D. Warren, J. Argyle (vice-capt.). M. Keevy.
1963 BC Academic staff STp01a
Back row: E M Sholand, D R Warren, I Baris, E R Lipsett, E P Cox, L E Gryffenberg, R L Rainier, M Murray, C E Cummings, R Simpson;
Middle Row: D J Saunders, P J Cronje, Miss J W Willis, Mrs E M Driver, Mrs H M Dessing, Mrs M Lehman, Mrs M T McLaren, Miss P Beuchat, Mrs M Joubert, Mrs S Woodhouse, Mrs A Alexander, Rev R Attwell, K C Hovelmeier;
Front row: L A Kernick, J M Robertson, J G Walsh, V L Clegg, M T S Krige, R E Hudson-Reed, R Erasmus, J V Woodley, K G L Mills;
1963 BC College Prefects ST p009
Back Row: G. Read (Head of Mountstephens), N. Tickton (House Prefect, Mountstephens), J. Vickers (House Prefect, Mountstephens), J. Napier (House Prefect, Collins), I. Brebner (Head of Collins).
Seated: G. Martin (Head Prefect), M. T. S. Krige, (Headmaster), V. L. Clegg, (Second Master),
H. Laburn (Deputy Head Prefect).
1963 BC Matric Class NIS 001
Legend: (TBI not currently available)
List of 1963 Matriculants:
D M Amm, J G Arthur, N A Barcza, D P Beckett, I Brebner, A W S Brown, M V Brown, J M Cooper, R W Elisio, D H Fox, R A Fryer, B W Hartung, V Hodges, J W Hosford, B James, R D Kable, P B Kruger, H R Laburn, G McAlpine, H A McLennan, B C Napier, J A Napier, N K Owen-Johnston, C R Palmer, G H Read, K Schrader, D W Stafford, G D Thompson, F H Touwen, J C E Vickers, R J Walton, A E Waters.
1963 BC Rugby 1st XV NIS
Back row: N Blue, B James, J Ruffel, D Payne, R Palmer, B Hartung, G Johnson, M Farley;
Front row: P Oppenheim, R Martin, H Laburn, T Stiebel (capt.), Mr Krige, N Tickton (vice-capt.), J Cooper, J Hayward, A Maxwell
1963 BC Staff ST piv
Back row: Sholand, E M: Warren, D R, Baris, I; Lipsett, E R; Cox, E P; Gryffenberg, L E; Rainier, R L; Ellis, W J; Murray, N M; Cumings, C E; Simpson, R.
Middle row: Saunders, D J; Cronje, P J; Willis, Miss J W; Driver, Mrs E M; Dessing, Mrs H M; Lehman, Mrs M; McLaren, Mrs M T; Beuchat, Miss P; Joubert, Mrs M; Woodhouse, Mrs S; Axander, Mrs A, Attwell, Rev R; Hovelmeier, K C;
Front row: Kernick, L A; Robertson, J M; Walsh, J G; Clegg, V L; Krige, M T S; Hudson-Reed, R E; Erasmus, R; Woodley, J V; Mills, K G L;
1964 BC College Prefects NIS
Back row: Alan Keevy, Raymond D Martin, Alan J Graham, Jonathan Ruffel, Roger Palmer, Rod M Fraser, Ricky Andrew, Gavin Robertson, Jonathan Hayward,;
Front Row: Henry Booker, Alistair Maxwell (Headboy), Mr S Krige (Head), Mr V Clegg (Vice-head), Norman Tickton (Vice-headboy), Neil Blue.
1964 BC Cricket 1st team NIS Rob Mclaren collection
Front row:
Back row:
1964 BC Cricket Joint-Winners of Mears Cup NIS
Back row: P Goldberg, K McLaren, R Arbro, J Summerley, C White, M Keevy, G Zurel
Front row: R Thomas, P Waterson, Mr T Bourquin, Mr MTS Krige, J Argyle (Captain), T Smith
1964 BC Matric Class NIS
Front row:
Back row:
1964 BC Rugby 1st XV NIS
Legend: Not available
Players included: NE Blue, I Duncan, JW Hayward, RC McLaren, RD Martin, AJ Maxwell, RG Palmer, DJ Payne, NJ Tickton
1965 BC Athletics Team NIS 001 Atkinson Collection
Front row:
2nd row:
Back row:
1965 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p031 ST Atkinson Collection
Front row:
Back row:
1965 BC Prefects ST p022
Front row:
Back row:
1965 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p038
Front row:
Back row:
1965 BC Rugby 2nd XV NIS Atkinson Collection
Front row:
Back row:
1966 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p036 Malcolm Keevy collection
Front row:
Back row:
1966 BC Matric class ST p015
Front row:
2nd row:
Back row:
1966 BC Prefects ST p027 Atkinson Collection
Front row:
Back row:
1966 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p047 Atkinson Collection
Back row: A Finlay, J Trollope, C White, G Holness, R Schoeman, C Groenewald;
Middle row: B Atkinson, C Parker, G Robinson, J Viney, J Argyle, P Shapiro;
Front row: P Turner, MR Krige, A Margau, Mr Bourquin, P Waterson,
1967 BC Duke of Cornwall awards ST p023 001
Standing: M. Read, M. Roberts, R. Schoeman, R. Wooler;
Seated: P. Shapiro, M. T. S. Krige, Esq. (Headmaster), G. Dalziel.
1967 BC Matric Class ST p020
Back row: P. Duncan, P. Henderson, P. Beguin, C. Arbous, M. Read;
Fourth row: G. Hutchinson, J. Lewsen, R. Thomson, I. Walsh, C. Wilson, O. Ruffel, G. Dalziel, E. Bouchier, A. Klemptner;
Third row: R. Oppenheim, K. Lappeman, M. Keevy, R. Parfitt, C. Groenewald, C. Raine, G. Finnie, T. Hill, M. Schonfeld, G. Dyer, P. Horn, R. Wooler, J. Oppenheim;
Second row: R. Schoeman, I. Green, S. Catton, D. Gurney, W. Anderson, G. Joscelyne, P. Hogshaw, A. Wantenaar, M. Bailey-McEwan, P. Korsten, P. Shapiro, J. Brown;
Seated: S. Lund, B. Arnott, O. Wood, J. Viney, Mr J. W. Frylinck, (Class master), Mr V. Clegg (Second master), Mr M. T.S. Krige (Headmaster), Mr E. R. Lipsett (Class master), Mr D. J. Brindley (Class master), S. Henderson, L. Taylor, R Nixon, H. Schimmelpenning.
1967 BC Prefects ST p034 Malcolm Keevy collection
Back row: M. Read, I. Walsh, C. Wilson, G. Finnie, M. Keevy;
Middle row: R. Schoeman, S. Catton, J. Argyle, P. Hogshaw, I. Green, J. Oppenheim;
Seated: D Gurney, G. Dalziel, Mr V. Clegg (Second master), Mr M.T.S. Krige (Headmaster), P. Shapiro (head prefect), G. Vass.
1967 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p053 Malcolm Keevy collection
Back row: M Read, I Green, C White, J Trollope, P Elliott;
Middle row: Mr Bourquin, R Freemantle, A Wantenaar, J Viney, P Hogshaw, G Roxburgh, Mr R Smythe;
Front row: J Clark, M Keevy, Mr Krige, P Shapiro (capt.), C Groenewald, P Waterson
1968 BC Matric Class ST 1968 p012
Front row:
Back row:
1968 BC Prefects ST p015
Front row:
Back row:
1968 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p026
Back row: S Goddard, R Schoeman, G Royston, S Woods, A Horn, G Roxburgh, W Knight, R Hogan;
Middle row: Mr R Smythe, S Kirsten, N Bayne, J Argyle, N Lefebvre, P Elliott, Mr Bourquin;
Front row: R Gunning, J Trollope, P Waterson (capt.), Mr Krige, J Clark, R Freemantle, C White
3-page illustrated monochrome brochure inviting contributions towards the building of the hall and outlining its potential as a school asset: Letter from Basil Read, PA Chairman and M T S Krige, Headmaster.
Boys' College2000 GC Rector 007
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Girls' College2011 Paul Krige tribute to Steyn Krige at the time of his passing 26th September, 2011.
Krige, PaulDerek Kyle Archive: consists of:
1952 Aerial photographs showing the St Stithians property after the initial earthworks and before the start of construction of the buildings.
Extracts from Derek Kyle's autobiography.
Letter from Mel Wessels accompanying donation.
Printed programme including advertisements that reflect suppliers and College contacts at the time.
Dramatic SocietyPrinted menu including names of speakers.
Old Stithian AssociationChristmas card with school badge on the front, an aerial picture of the College on the inside and a hand-written message sigend by Steyn Krige
Boys' College