Showing 2646 results

Archival description
1990s Alumni Stories
1990s Alumni Stories
1994 - 1999 GC and GP photographs
1994 - 1999 GC and GP photographs
1994 - 1999 GC and GP Various Newspaper clippings Album 010
1994 - 1999 GC and GP Various Newspaper clippings Album 010
1994 Collage: News and Views about the St Stithians Collegiate School for Girls
1994 Collage: News and Views about the St Stithians Collegiate School for Girls
1994 Collage: News and Views about the St Stithians Collegiate School for Girls: content
1994 Collage: News and Views about the St Stithians Collegiate School for Girls: content
1994 Collage: News and Views about the St Stithians Collegiate School for Girls: cover
1994 Collage: News and Views about the St Stithians Collegiate School for Girls: cover
1994 GC AvZ last day at PGHS NC 002
1994 GC AvZ last day at PGHS NC 002
1994 GC Farewell 008
1994 GC Farewell 008
1994 GC Girls bring new times to St Stithians 005
1994 GC Girls bring new times to St Stithians 005
1994 GC GP AvZ welcomes staff 1994011 001 McArthur J Smith L Roberts
1994 GC GP AvZ welcomes staff 1994011 001 McArthur J Smith L Roberts
1994 GC Head chosen for St Stithians Collegiate 006
1994 GC Head chosen for St Stithians Collegiate 006
1994 GC New head faces challenge 007
1994 GC New head faces challenge 007
1994 GC Places still available in St Stithians girls' school 002
1994 GC Places still available in St Stithians girls' school 002
1994 GC St Stithians reaches out NC 003
1994 GC St Stithians reaches out NC 003
1994 GC Van Zyl seeks new vistas 003
1994 GC Van Zyl seeks new vistas 003
1994 GC van Zyl seeks new vistas NC001
1994 GC van Zyl seeks new vistas NC001
1994 GC_GP photographs
1994 GC_GP photographs
1994 GP Founding plaque Pitts 002
1994 GP Founding plaque Pitts 002
1994 GP Welcome day
1994 GP Welcome day
1994 GP Welcome day 036
1994 GP Welcome day 036
1994 St Stithians reaches out to rural children 001
1994 St Stithians reaches out to rural children 001
1995 - 1997 GC and Campus Landscape photographs Album 011
1995 - 1997 GC and Campus Landscape photographs Album 011
1995 Collegiate construction photographs (includes photographs of Unveiling of the JP 2001) Album 014
1995 Collegiate construction photographs (includes photographs of Unveiling of the JP 2001) Album 014
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 001
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 001
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 002
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 002
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 003
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 003
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 006
1995 GC Collegiate under construction 006
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 001
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 001
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 002
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 002
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 003
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 003
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 004
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 004
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 005
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 005
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 006
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 006
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 007
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 007
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 008
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 008
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 009
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 009
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 010
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 010
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 011
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 011
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 012
1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 012
1995 GC financing meeting
1995 GC financing meeting
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 001
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 001
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 002
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 002
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 003
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 003
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 004
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 004
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 005
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 005
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 006
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 006
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 001 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 001 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 002 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 002 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 003 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 003 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 004 Pitts Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 004 Pitts Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 005 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 005 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 006 Carter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 006 Carter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 008 Founder Pupils AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 008 Founder Pupils AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 009 AvZ Pitts Laburn DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 009 AvZ Pitts Laburn DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 010 Pitts Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 010 Pitts Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 011 Carter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 011 Carter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 012
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 012
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 013 Pitts DBW Rev Roberts McLachlan
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 013 Pitts DBW Rev Roberts McLachlan
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 014 AvZ Pitts Laburn DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 014 AvZ Pitts Laburn DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 015 AvZ Staff Founder pupils
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 015 AvZ Staff Founder pupils
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 016 CArter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 016 CArter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 018 Founder pupils AvZ Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 018 Founder pupils AvZ Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 019 Mullin Jansen AvZ Staff Founder pupils
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 019 Mullin Jansen AvZ Staff Founder pupils
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 020 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 020 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 021 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 021 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 022 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 022 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 023 McLachlan AvZ Jansen
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 023 McLachlan AvZ Jansen
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 024 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 024 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 025 Lesley Roberts Jen Smith AvZ  Judy Ford
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 025 Lesley Roberts Jen Smith AvZ Judy Ford
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 026 Founder Pupils Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 026 Founder Pupils Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 027 Founder pupils AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 027 Founder pupils AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 028 Founder pupils AvZ Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 028 Founder pupils AvZ Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 029 Founder Pupils Staff AvZ
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 029 Founder Pupils Staff AvZ
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 030 Founder pupils Pitts DBW Rev Roberts McLachlan Mullin
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 030 Founder pupils Pitts DBW Rev Roberts McLachlan Mullin
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 031 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 031 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 032 Carter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 032 Carter AvZ Pitts DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 033 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils on Grader
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 033 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils on Grader
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 034 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils Thompson Sterne Thompson Laburn
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 034 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils Thompson Sterne Thompson Laburn
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 035 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 035 Staff
1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads
1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads
1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads 003
1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads 003
1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads 006
1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads 006
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 036
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 036
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 037
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 037
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 038
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 038
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 039
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 039
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 040
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 040
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 041
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 041
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 042
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 042
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 044
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 044
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 045
1995 GC Landscapes Site clearing 045
1995 GC Planting of trees at circle 001
1995 GC Planting of trees at circle 001
1995 GC Planting of trees at circle 002
1995 GC Planting of trees at circle 002
1995 GC Planting of trees at circle 003
1995 GC Planting of trees at circle 003
1995 GC St Stithians opens classes for girls 004
1995 GC St Stithians opens classes for girls 004
1995 GC_GP photographs
1995 GC_GP photographs
1995 Landscapes Building emerges 046
1995 Landscapes Building emerges 046
1996 - 1999 GC and GP photographs Album 003
1996 - 1999 GC and GP photographs Album 003
1996 BC GC Choir TBI NIS
1996 BC GC Choir TBI NIS