Showing 5 results

Archivistische beschrijving
1943 £146,800 in Bequests to Charity by Cornish Pioneer of Johannesburg [NC]
1943 £146,800 in Bequests to Charity by Cornish Pioneer of Johannesburg [NC]
1937 Funeral of Mr. Albert Collins [NC 10th October 1937]
1937 Funeral of Mr. Albert Collins [NC 10th October 1937]
1982 Lost in time, Henley keeps its ageless charm [NC] July, 1982
1982 Lost in time, Henley keeps its ageless charm [NC] July, 1982
1937 28 Rand Charities to Benefit: Mr A. C. Collins Will: Estate of £555,000 [NC October 1937]
1937 28 Rand Charities to Benefit: Mr A. C. Collins Will: Estate of £555,000 [NC October 1937]
1982 Oxford pair turn on style [NC] Daily Express July, 1982
1982 Oxford pair turn on style [NC] Daily Express July, 1982