This collection includes a selection of photographs taken of the Girls' College and the Girls' Prep. The girls' schools were known collectively as the Collegiate from the time of the appointment of the first staff in 1994, up until the renaming of the campus schools into the current divisions in 2000. The earlier images included in this Collection were digitised from albums compiled by the staff between 1994 and the emergence of born digital photographs in the early 2000s. With the proliferation of digital images, the selection of images will reflect the activities of the GC and the GP in any particular year.
Girls' Prep1994 - 1999 Informal photographs and newspaper clippings taken of events in the GC and GP
Girls' College1995 GC view 001
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day
Girls' College1997 GC David Wylde congratulations 001
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate
Girls' Prep1997 GC Rev Roberts 001
Girls' Prep1997 BC Businesses
Girls' College1996 GP Classroom scenes
Girls' College1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads
Founder Head and Deputy Head Girls' Collegiate
1994 GC and GP photographs: informal photographs taken of events in the GC and GP
Girls' College1998 GC Community engagement Twananani Pre-school
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I
The first Global Connections meeting inviting delegates from all corners of the world.
1997 Global Connections I 001
Girls' Prep1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads 003
Founder Head and Deputy Head Girls' Collegiate
1996 GP Classroom scenes 004
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 001
Girls' Prep1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 001
Girls' Prep1997 BC Businesses 001
Girls' College1998 GC Community engagement Twananani Pre-school 001
Girls' College1999 Campus Founders' Day 001
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 002
Girls' Prep1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 002
Girls' Prep1995 GC Heads and Deputy Heads 006
Founder Head and Deputy Head of the Girls' Collegiate
1999 Campus Founders' Day 002
Girls' College1996 GP Classroom scenes 005
Girls' College1997 Global Connections I 002
Girls' Prep1997 BC Businesses 002
Girls' College1998 GC Community engagement Twananani Pre-school 002
Girls' College1997 Global Connections I 003
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 010
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 003
Girls' Prep1997 BC Businesses 003
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 003
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 003
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 004
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 006
Girls' Prep1997 BC Businesses 004
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 004
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 011
Girls' College1999 Campus Founders' Day 004
Girls' College1999 Campus Founders' Day 005
Girls' College1997 Global Connections I 007
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 012
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 005
Girls' Prep1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 005
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 008
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 006
Girls' College1996 GP Classroom scenes 013
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 006
Girls' Prep1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 006
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 009
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 015
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 007
Girls' Prep1996 Campus Floods 007
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 007
Girls' College1997 Global Connections I 010
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 008
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 008
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 018
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 008
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 011
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 019
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 009
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 009
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 009
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 023
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 010
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 010
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 010
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 012
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 024
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 011
Girls' Prep1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 011
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 013
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 011
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 012
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 012
Girls' College1995 GC Construction of Collegiate 012
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 014
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 027
Girls' College1996 GP Classroom scenes 032
Girls' College1997 Global Connections I 015
Girls' Prep1996 Campus Floods 013
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 013
Girls' College1997 Global Connections I 016
Girls' Prep1996 Campus Floods 014
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 041
Girls' College1999 Campus Founders' Day 014
Girls' College1996 GP Classroom scenes 042
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 015
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 017
Girls' Prep1999 Campus Founders' Day 015
Girls' College1996 GP Classroom scenes 064
Girls' College1999 Campus Founders' Day 016
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 016
Girls' Prep1997 Global Connections I 018
Girls' Prep1996 GP Classroom scenes 074
Girls' College1996 Campus Floods 017
Girls' Prep