Dlembule, Elijah

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Dlembule, Elijah

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  • Dlembula, Elias

Identificatiecode voor organisaties



1957 - 1993


OPS and kitchen staff member 1957 - 1993
Note from Archivist (Dr Mary Reynolds):
Elijah Dlembule was one of the earliest and longest serving staff members of the College. He started work with the OPS Dept. (known then as Grounds Staff). I recall him in the few years before his retirement, working for the Boys' College. He was responsible for our staff teas and he would trundle a trolley from the small kitchen at Mears Hall along the passage past the downstairs classrooms with the cups and sandwiches. These had then to be carried upstairs to the old staffroom where the administrative offices are now. Later, a small kitchen was added to the staffroom to shorten his trip.
I recall Mr Dlembule telling me about the early days at Saints. The nearest shop was in Linden, 11km away along a dirt road (Bram Fischer Drive, previously known as Hendrik Verwoerd Drive). He also recalled the time that the tractor fell into the dam and had to be hauled out, as well as the oxen that strayed off the property onto the road.
Mr Dlembule retired in 1993 and he was invited to the Boys' College final Chapel at which he was thanked for his services to the College and presented with a gold watch.



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Record created by MR 20210827, updated 20220407

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