1947BC_0001: Formal portrait of co-founder, Albert Charles Collins
Unknown1947BC_0002: Formal portrait of co-founder, William Mountstephens
Unknown1947BC_0003: The board erected near the Corlett Gate advertising the opening of the College in 1953.
Unknown1953BC_0001: Photograph of the start of an athletics track event
TBI - names of individuals
1953BC_0015: View of Collins House from the east showing terraces
Unknown1953BC_0008: Collins House
Unknown1953BC_0017: BC View of the Dining Hall from the Chapel Drive area during construction of the Chapel
Unknown1953BC_0003: Foundation class Std 6 (Grade 8)
Back row: Endenburg, Cook, Neves, Aitken, Wilkinson, Lotter, Ashfield, Lewis, Reeves
Middle row: Kelly, McMillan, Woolley. Westhorpe, Wallis, Mair, Harvey, JF Vickers, Campbell
Front row: Coetsee, Hayes, Taylor, EM Harris, J de W Bennett, Johnson, DH Bennet
1953BC_0004: Foundation class Std 7 (Grade 9)
Back row: Swan, Curtis, Craven, Borchers, Abraham, Driver, Rankine,
Front row: Buchan, Laing, EM Harris, Murrish, Cruddas
1953 BP Grade 1 and 2 first photo on wagon, believed to have been taken by Miss Doehring. Names of most of the children have been identified as follows:
In the group on the wagon: David Gass, Anthony Miller, Bruce Joscelyne, John Napier, Norman Tickton, Douglas MacGregor, Andrew Brown, John Aubrey, Kenneth Kay, (John?) Donaldson, Karl Schrader, Rodney Kable, Paul Arnold;
On the wagon bar (left to right): Graeme Thompson, John Angus, Roger King, Hugh Laburn, Nicholas Barcza, John Goode, Paul Nash
Three boys were not identified in the photograph.
1953BC_0005: BC D6 Classroom which served as the original Grade 1 classroom when the College opened.
Derek Worman Photographer1953BC_0006: Foundation class Grades 1 and 2
Legend (as identified by Rob McLaren):
Back row: John Goode, ... , Richard Read, Hamish Gordon, Hugh Laburn, ..., ...., Paul Nash, ..., John Napier, Paul Arnold, Kenny Kay;
Middle row: Norman Tickton, Karl Shrader, ..., David A (Ikey) Lewis, ..., Bruce Joscelyne, Richard Pryce, ..., ..., Rohan Lobb , ...;
Front row: John Lamont , ..., Ian Hampton, Rodney Kable, Andrew Brown, Anthony Miller, Nick Barcza, Graham Thompson, ..., ... .
1953BC_0018: BC Address by Mrs E Mountstephens at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.
Unknown1953BC_00019: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - Charles H Leake lays the foundation stone (wide view)
Unknown1953BC_00021: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel: view from upper BC classroom block towards Dining Hall
Unknown1953BC_0007: BC Address by Rev Ambrose Reeves at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.
Unknown1953BC_0011: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - view of the congregation from BC upper floor corridor
Unknown1953BC_0022: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - view of the congregation from BC upper floor corridor towards Collins House
Unknown1953BC_00012: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - Charles H Leake lays the foundation stone
Unknown1953BC_0023: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - view of the congregation from BC upper floor corridor towards the Dining Hall
Unknown1953BC_0016: BC Address by Rev Dr Webb at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.
Seated to the left are Mr and Mrs Mears and Rev Ambrose Reeves; to the righ: Mr Gilbert Tucker, Mr Leake, and Rev Arnold J Walker.
1953BC_0010: Foundation staff
Mr EM (Monty) Harris, Miss A M Doehring, Miss EC Walmsley, Mr WGA Mears
1953BC_0009: View to the north of the BC Classroom block from the foundations of the Chapel and showing the congregation present at the event.
Unknown1953BC_00014: College Official Opening: Methodist ministers with BP foundation student
Rev Ambrose Reeves , Rev Dr J B Webb, Karl Schrader (Class of 1963)
1953BC_00020: College Official Opening: Congregation at entrance to BC Administration block
Unknown1953BC_0025: View to the north of the BC Classroom block from the foundations of the Chapel and showing the congregation present at the event.
Unknown1953BC_00020: College Official Opening: Mrs Mountstephens unveils the Founders' plaque
Unknown1953BC_0024: View across Baytopp playing fields towards BC buildings
Note: This may have been taken in early 1954 as Mountstephens House can be seen in the photo, but the Chapel building is still incomplete.
6 Monochrome prints taken during 1954
VariousPhotograph of Dining Hall viewed from the north.
Derek Worman PhotographerThe BC entrance plaque commemorates the opening day of the College on 28th January 1953.
UnknownInformal photograph of Miller
Driver, Malcolm W WInformal photograph including Malcolm Driver, Marinus Endenburg and their partners at a New Year's Eve dance.
UnknownThe Rugby 1st XV (U15) Rugby team photograph from the first match against St John's College. The photograph appears in the Stythian magazine of 1964 p.042.
Back row: Ashfield, Miller, Craven, Abraham, Curtis, Wilkinson
Middle row: Unite, Mercer-Tod, Driver, Swan, Vickers
Front row: Woodley, Reeves, Cruddas, Buchan, Taylor
The first Rugby team at the College that played St Johns College
TBI - names of individuals to be confirmed.
The photograph is likely to have included the following (amongst others):
Ashfield, Miller, Craven, Abraham, Curtis, Wilkinson, Unite, Mercer-Tod, Driver, Swan, Vickers
Woolley, Cruddas, Buchan, Taylor.
Senior boys in an upper level classroom
Back row: Abraham and Borchers
Middle row: Craven, Curtis, Swan, Murrish, Graham
Front row: Rankine, Cruddas, Unite, Irons, Frankel
1955 Grade 9 Class photograph
UnknownPresentation of awards at 1955 Athletics meeting.
UnknownPresentation of awards at 1955 Athletics meeting.
UnknownPresentation of awards at 1955 Athletics meeting.
Unknown1995 First Aerial view of Campus in the Bryanston context. Many landmarks are recognisable in this photograph e.g. the Mount St Water tower; the Braamfontein Spruit and the intersection of Main Road and William Nicol before the establishment of the highway.
Unknown1995 Campus view
Unknown1956 Std 6 (Grade 8) Class photograph
Unknown1956 Std 7 (Grade 9) Class photograph
Unknown1956 Std 8 (Grade 10) Class photograph
Unknown1956 Std 9 (Grade 11) Class photograph
Unknown1956 Grade 1 Class photograph
Unknown1956 BP Grade 2 Class photograph
Unknown1956 BP Std 1 (Grade 3) Class photograph
Unknown1956 BP Std 2 (Grade 4) Class Class photograph
1956 BP Std 3 (Grade 5) Class photograph
Unknown1956 BP Std 4 Class (Grade 6) photograph
Unknown1956 BP Std 5 (Grade 7) Class photograph
Unknown1957 BC AVLT ST p028 Classroom scene
Unknown1957 BC Chapel Quad view from south where Mears Hall now stands
Unknown1957 BC Collins House ST p010; ST 1976 p109
Unknown1957 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p070 Team photograph
Unknown1957 BC Cricket Field view 001
Unknown1957 BC Cricket Field view 002
Unknown1957 BC Dining Hall ST p012
Unknown1957 BC Jamieson field HA
Unknown1957 BC Mountstephens House HA
Unknown1957 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p062 Team photograph
Back row: A Callard, JF Vickers, DM Hardy, LS Wood, JW Mair, CP Cook, GJW Wilkinson;
Middle row: PH Livingstone, JF Rosewarne, GM Miller (capt.), Mr Krige, RW Taylor (vice-capt.), , B Young, PLJ Nel;
Front row: RF Mercer-Tod, JA Thompson, BWA Kellar, MH Endenburg
1957 Campus Corlett Gate entrance HA 001
Unknown1957 Campus view from koppie area 001
Unknown1957 Chapel and BC Admin HA
Unknown1957 Chapel and BC Admin HA
Unknown1957 Chapel interior HA
Unknown1958 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p072 Pfaff Collection
Back row: T Ryan, S Maxwell, T Sutcliffe, P A Lunn, M C Bresler, B van Eyck, T Christensen, R D Bradley
Front row: M D Wilson, R Mercer-Todd, E P Pfaff (Capt.), Mr W Mears, Mr R Hudson- Reed, M J Naylor (Vice-captain), A M Marriner
1958 BC Cricket U13A ST 1957-1961 p078
Unknown1958 BC Matric Class ST 1957-1961 p016
Unknown1958 BC Rugby 1st XV ST 1957-1961 p064 team photograph
Derek Worman Photographer1958 BP Soccer 1st XI team photograph
Unknown1959 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS TBI
Legend: not available in Stythian 1957 -1961
1959 BC Hockey 1st XI team photograph NIS
Back row: R Jonathan, C Jackson, C McLeod, T Ryan, DM Hardy, BG Ditcham, WR Tarboton, JP Ullman
Front row: D Reed, T Leach (capt.), Mr Mears, Mr Krige, MC Bresler, KR Cronwright
1959 BC Matric Class photograph
Back row: R J C Pellow, S Maxwell, D T Robertson (Library Prefect), P A Weaver, C R Roper, V E Meagher, I W Beith, P E P Veit;
Front row: Mr E M Harris (Form Master), M C Bresler (Prefect), D D Scott (Prefect), M W G A Mears (Headmaster), T Leach (Prefect), B Hambleton-Jones (Prefect), Mr M T S Krige ( Vice-principal).
1959 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p066
Back row: JP Ullman, BG Ditcham, T Sutcliffe, PA Weaver, JC Preston, LP Bradfield;
Middle row: PEP Veit, P Lunn, B Hambleton-Jones, T Leach, DD Scott;
Front row: B van Eyk, T Ryan (capt.), Mr MTS Kirge, MrWGA Mears, DM Hardy (vice-capt.), VE Meagher
1959 BC Rugby 1st XV vs OSA 005
Unknown1959 BC Rugby 1st XV vs OSA
Unknown1959 BC Sports Day Baytopp ST p069 001
Unknown1959 BC Sports Day Baytopp NIS 002
Unknown1959 BP Football 1st XI team photograph
Unknown1959 OSA Dinner group at the Wanderers Club.
Front row: Ewing, Miller, Palmer
Back row: Wilson, Elliot, Rosewarne
Malcolm Driver (Class of 1956) at 1959 OSA Dinner at the Wanderers Club.
UnknownBC Chapel interior - photograph dated to approximately 1960.
Boys' College1960 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS
Back row: B.L.B. Black, M.T. Hughes, R.C. Sutton, L.P. Bradfield;
2nd row: W.J. de Maar, C. McLeod, G.G. Michelmore, B.P. Cooper, K Cooper;
Front row: T. Sutcliffe (capt.), Mr R.E. Hudson-Reed, Mr W.G.A. Mears (Headmaster), R.D. Bradley (vice-capt.), J.P. Ullman.
1960 BC Cricket U13A XI ST p082
Legend: not available in Stythian 1960
Players included:
S. Nash, B. Joscelyne, P. Nash, G. Johnson, B. Smither, R. McLaren, J. W. Hosford, R. Fraser, G. S. Smith, A. Lacey-Smith, R. Kable (capt.), J. Lorentz.
1960 BC Hockey 1st XI ex Cliff Jackson collection
Back row: A Moir, MC Bolton, PG Boustead, BP Cooper, KR Cronwright, JP Ullman, NR Richardson
Front row: B L Black, DH Reed (capt.), Mr Krige, C Jackson (vice-capt.), MP Acott
1960 BC Matric Class ST 1957-1961 p020
Front row: TJ Sutcliffe, AJC Moir (Head Prefect), EM Harris, WG Mears (Headmaster), S Krige (Deputy Headmaster), RD Bradley (Head of Day Boys) IRG Thornton (Head of Boarders)
2nd row: LP Bradfield, JC Preston, MA Freeman, B van Eyk, CV Malan, JP Ullman, JC Birkett,
Back row: RC Sutton, B Lewer-Allen, AN McMillan, JAB Clayton, DH Reed, RD Michelmore, WR Tarboton, AK Jackson-Smith
1960 BC Rugby 1st XV ST 1957-1961 p068
Back row: L P Bradfield, C V Malan, J C Preston, C McLeod, MC Bolton, B L B Black,
2nd row: W J de Maar, T J Sutcliffe, A N McMillan, D H Reed, R D Michelmore, K R Cronwright
Front row: B Van Eyk, J P Ullman, W G A Mears, M T S Krige, A Moir
BC Mountstephens House (building) NIS - photograph dated to c.1960.
Boys' College