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ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-02-02-08 · Item · 1961
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1961 BC Rugby 1st XV NIS Cliff Jackson collection
Back row: JD Gillham. DW Roberts, S Puth, WJ de Maar, RE Wiener, R N Richardson, R Thom;
Middle row: CB Jackson, L Lauf, R Glatthaar, BP Cooper, SB Miller, IJ Finnie;
Front row: GM Martin, MC Bolton (capt.), Mr MTS Krige, M WGA Mears, BL Black (vice-capt.), G O Read

Derek Worman Photographer
ZA ZAR STS 2024-009-2024-006-026-20 · Part · 1961
Part of Alumni Collections

1961 BC Rugby 1st XV ST 1962 p047
Back row: J.D. Gillham, D.W. Roberts, S. Puth, W. J. de Maar, R.E. Wiener, N. Richardson, R. Thom;
Second row: C.B. Jackson, L. Lauf, R. Glatthaar, B.P. Cooper, S.B. Miller, I.J.Finnie:
Front row: G.M. Martin, M.C. Bolton (capt.), M. T. S. Krige, Esq., W. G. A. Mears, Esq. (Headmaster), B. L. Black (vice-capt.), G.O. Read.

Derek Worman Photographer
1962 BC Matric class
ZA ZAR STS 2024-009-2019-004-39 · Item · 1962
Part of Alumni Collections

1962 BC Matric class:
Back row: P G Martin, R Beckman, I Finnie, C Hallam, P Vickers, S Miller, J Pfaff;
Middle row: R Thomson, J G Mackay, I Griffiths, M Thom, C Menke, M Jackson-Smith, T McNeil, R Everest, T Ferguson, J Fox;
Front row: G Read, W de Maar, W Moir, B P Cooper, Mr M T S Krige (Headmaster), Mr R Erasmus (Class Master), G M Martin (Head Prefect), R Cope, S Puth, R Hosford.

Derek Worman Photographer
1962 BC Matric class
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-02-03-12 · Item · 1962
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1962 BC Matric class:
Back row: P G Martin, R Beckman, I Finnie, C Hallam, P Vickers, S Miller, J Pfaff;
Middle row: R Thomson, J G Mackay, I Griffiths, M Thom, C Menke, M Jackson-Smith, T McNeil, R Everest, T Ferguson, J Fox;
Front row: G Read, W de Maar, W Moir, B P Cooper, Mr M T S Krige (Headmaster), Mr R Erasmus (Class Master), G M Martin (Head Prefect), R Cope, S Puth, R Hosford.

Derek Worman Photographer
2024-009-2024-006-013 · Item · 1962
Part of Alumni Collections

1962 BC Prefects ST p024 McLaren Collection
Back Row: B. P. Cooper (Mountstephens), R. Thomson, J. Fox , S. Puth (Mountstephens);
Front row: R. Hosford (Collins), W. Moir (Mountstephens), G. Martin (Head Prefect), M. T. S. Krige, Esq., (Headmaster), V. L. Clegg, Esq., (Second Master), R. Cope (Mountstephens), G. Read (Collins), W. de Maar (Collins).

Boys' College
1962 BC Rugby 1st XV 001 NIS
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-02-03-01 · Item · 1962
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1962 BC Rugby 1st XV 001 NIS
Back Row: PG Martin, I Finnie, R Palmer, R Glatthaar, G Read, J Cooper;
Middle Row: N Tickton, J Vickers, R Cope, BP Cooper, S Miller, P Vickers, B Hartung;
Front row: G M Martin, W de Maar (capt.j, M. T. S. Krige, (Headmaster), R. E. Hudson-Reed, S. Puth (vice-capt.),
T. Stiebel, R. Thom;
Back row:

Derek Worman Photographer
ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-02-03-02 · Item · 1962
Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

1962 BC Rugby 1st XV 001 NIS
Back Row: PG Martin, I Finnie, R Palmer, R Glatthaar, G Read, J Cooper;
Middle Row: N Tickton, J Vickers, R Cope, BP Cooper, S Miller, P Vickers, B Hartung;
Front row: G M Martin, W de Maar (capt.j, M. T. S. Krige, (Headmaster), R. E. Hudson-Reed, S. Puth (vice-capt.),
T. Stiebel, R. Thom;

Derek Worman Photographer
2024-009-2024-006-017 · Item · 1962
Part of Alumni Collections

1962 BC Rugby 1st XV NIS McLaren Collection
Legend: not available in Stythian 1962
Players included: B.P. Cooper, W. de Maar, I. Finnie, R. Glatthaar, P.G. Martin, S. Miller, D. Murray, S. Puth, G. Read, P. Vickers, N.E. Blue, I. Duncan, J.W. Hayward, R. McLaren, R.D. Martin, A.J. Maxwell, R.G. Palmer, D.J. Payne, N.J. Tickton.

Boys' College