van Zyl, Anne


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Geauthoriseerde naam

van Zyl, Anne

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1994 - 2000


Founding Head of St Stithians Collegiate
Head of Stanford Lake College, Magoebaskloof 2001 - 2002
Head of Bridge House, Franschhoek 2002 - 2010
Head of Oprah Winfrey Academy 2010 -

Anne van Zyl was appointed as founding Head at the Girls’ Collegiate, as it was known in its first few years of existence, in 1995. Anne had been the former Head at Pretoria High School for Girls for six years and was known for her courage and creativity. Anne was a visionary, a team builder, a fearless forward thinker as far as girl’s education was concerned and her courageous attitude and innovative thinking saw the Girls’ College rise to an institution to be reckoned with academically and in the sporting arena in a very short time. Although Anne’s past was embedded in traditional views of education, she chose to forge a new path at the Girls’ College in terms of leadership, recognition, and creative thinking. Under her leadership the Girls’ College went where no other school had gone in terms of founding a girls’ school on a male dominated campus. She was instrumental in joining Round Square with its philosophy based on the six pillars of International understanding, Democracy, Environmental stewardship, Adventure, Leadership and Service. These pillars became the cornerstone of the ethos of the Girls’ College as we know it today.
The original quad, before the amphitheatre was built, was part of the first phase of the new school. It was a shared space with the Girls’ Preparatory and one where the two Girls’ Schools were unified. In 2016 the quad was reconstructed with the seating. This space continues to be a central, functional meeting space. It reverberates with war cries, drama performances, debating competitions, music concerts and assemblies. In the early years, the Boys’ College secretly snuck in to perform the “haka” as a surprise for their new “sisters” on campus. If walls could talk!
This quad is a landmark in the Girls’ College, which epitomises Anne's achievements within six years. It continues to be a landmark in the history of St Stithians College.



Functies, beroepen en activiteiten

Mandaat/bronnen van bevoegdheid

Interne structuren / genealogie

Algemene context


Related entity

van Zyl, Leslie (1995 - 1998)

Identifier of related entity

Soort relatie


Type of relationship

van Zyl, Leslie

is the spouse of

van Zyl, Anne

Datering van de relatie

Beschrijving van de relatie

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