Record group 01 - Leake Collection: Album 1

Identity area

Reference code

ZA ZAR STS 2024-010-2022-004-01


Leake Collection: Album 1


  • 1920 (Accumulation)

Level of description

Record group

Extent and medium

1 x photo album 240mm x 290mm, wire bound containing 19 items.

Context area

Name of creator

(1869 - 1957)

Biographical history

Leake House, in the Boys' Prep is named after Charles Hobson Leake.
Charles Hobson Leake was one of the founding members of the St Stithians College Trust. He was a fellow Methodist of William Mountstephens and Albert Collins, the founding donors of the funds to purchase the Driefontein Farm portion and establish the College. Leake attended the Official Opening of the College and laid the Foundation Stone that is embedded in the wall of the Chapel facing the Chapel Quad. Leake served as Chairman of the Trust until his death in 1957.
Apart from all the work that he did for the College, Leake made a huge contribution to the welfare of the poorer citizens of Johannesburg. He established the Rand Aid Association to support the downtrodden and the aged and served as its Chairman for 30 years. This organisation is still extant today and serving the wider community. Boys in the College still visit Jordan House as part of their Community Engagement contribution. Details of his work with Rand Aid can be found in the documents in this online archive.
One of the Rand Aid buildings was named Mount Collins House in memory of his friends, our founders.

Leake's life and contribution is epitomised in one of the quotations included in his Album 1:
“He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;
Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;
Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;
Who has left the world better than he found it,
Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;
Whose life was an inspiration;
Whose memory a benediction.”
Bessie Anderson Stanley c.1905

Archival history

Historical collection

Immediate source of acquisition or transfer

The album was presented to the College in 1970 by the Leake family following his passing in 1957. The date of presntation is assumed form the fact that the collection contains brochures dated 1970.
The contents of the album have been digitised.

Content and structure area

Scope and content

The physical album was compiled from photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes etc. reflecting the life and contribution of Leake.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

Most of the pages and images are in the order in which they occur in the album.
Multi-page documents are each represented by a cover and a pdf of the ensuing pages.
Newspaper cuttings are included as separate items except in instances where they could not be safely removed for digitisation.

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access

Conditions governing reproduction

Copyright St Stithians College unless indicated otherwise.

Language of material

    Script of material

      Language and script notes

      Physical characteristics and technical requirements

      Finding aids

      Allied materials area

      Existence and location of originals

      Existence and location of copies

      Related units of description

      Related descriptions

      Notes area

      Alternative identifier(s)

      Access points

      Subject access points

      Place access points

      Name access points

      Genre access points

      Description control area

      Description identifier

      Institution identifier

      Rules and/or conventions used



      Level of detail

      Dates of creation revision deletion

      Record created by MR 20220211




          Accession area