1937 28 Rand Charities to Benefit: Mr A. C. Collins Will: Estate of £555,000 [NC October 1937]
Details the life and work of Collins and the many charities - both local and in the UK - that wee beneficiaries of his will.
College early history
254 Archival description results for College early history
1937 Funeral of Mr. Albert Collins [NC October 1937]
Describes th4e significance of the work of Collins and details those present at the funeral.
1937 Last Will and Testament of Albert Charles Collins ref 2528/37
Collins, Albert Charles1937 Last Will and Testament of Albert Charles Collins ref 2528/37: content
Collins, Albert Charles1937 Last Will and Testament of Albert Charles Collins ref 2528/37: cover page
Collins, Albert CharlesDeed setting out the founding of the College
St Stithians Endowment Fund1941 St Stithians College Trust: ledger
Records the investments and other finances of the Trust from the time of its founding to December 1965.
1943 Mr W Mountstephens leaves £146,800 to Charity [NC]
Describes the extent and beneficiaries of the Mountstephens bequest.
1943 £146,800 in Bequests to Charity by Cornish Pioneer of Johannesburg [NC]
Describes the extent and beneficiaries of the Mountstephens bequest.
1947BC_0001: Formal portrait of co-founder, Albert Charles Collins
Unknown1947BC_0002: Formal portrait of co-founder, William Mountstephens
Unknown1947BC_0003: The board erected near the Corlett Gate advertising the opening of the College in 1953.
Unknown1953 - 1956 Stythian magazine [incomplete]
St Stithians College1953BC_0001: Photograph of the start of an athletics track event
TBI - names of individuals
1953BC_0015: View of Collins House from the east showing terraces
Unknown1953BC_0008: Collins House
Unknown1953BC_0017: BC View of the Dining Hall from the Chapel Drive area during construction of the Chapel
Unknown1953 BC Foundation scholars, view looking across what was later to become the suburb of Parkmore, towards the ridge where Sandton City was built in 1973 on Zandfontein Farm.
This photograph illustrates the remoteness of the St Stithians property at the time the College was founded. The property, itself a portion of the original Driefontein Farm, was surrounded by farmland in 1953.
1953BC_0003: Foundation class Std 6 (Grade 8)
Back row: Endenburg, Cook, Neves, Aitken, Wilkinson, Lotter, Ashfield, Lewis, Reeves
Middle row: Kelly, McMillan, Woolley. Westhorpe, Wallis, Mair, Harvey, JF Vickers, Campbell
Front row: Coetsee, Hayes, Taylor, EM Harris, J de W Bennett, Johnson, DH Bennet
1953BC_0004: Foundation class Std 7 (Grade 9)
Back row: Swan, Curtis, Craven, Borchers, Abraham, Driver, Rankine,
Front row: Buchan, Laing, EM Harris, Murrish, Cruddas
1953 BP Grade 1 and 2 first photo on wagon, believed to have been taken by Miss Doehring. Names of most of the children have been identified as follows:
In the group on the wagon: David Gass, Anthony Miller, Bruce Joscelyne, John Napier, Norman Tickton, Douglas MacGregor, Andrew Brown, John Aubrey, Kenneth Kay, (John?) Donaldson, Karl Schrader, Rodney Kable, Paul Arnold;
On the wagon bar (left to right): Graeme Thompson, John Angus, Roger King, Hugh Laburn, Nicholas Barcza, John Goode, Paul Nash
Three boys were not identified in the photograph.
1953BC_0005: BC D6 Classroom which served as the original Grade 1 classroom when the College opened.
Derek Worman PhotographerInformal group photograph of the Grade 2 foundation class taken in September, 1953 just after Norman Tickton joined the school. The photograph was taken in the Chapel area and shows construction work and Collins House in the background.
UnknownInformal group photograph of the Grade 1 foundation class taken in July, 1953, just before Norman Tickton joined the school. The view is towards Zandfontein Farm, the site of the present day Sandton City.
Unknown1953BC_0006: Foundation class Grades 1 and 2
Legend (as identified by Rob McLaren):
Back row: John Goode, ... , Richard Read, Hamish Gordon, Hugh Laburn, ..., ...., Paul Nash, ..., John Napier, Paul Arnold, Kenny Kay;
Middle row: Norman Tickton, Karl Shrader, ..., David A (Ikey) Lewis, ..., Bruce Joscelyne, Richard Pryce, ..., ..., Rohan Lobb , ...;
Front row: John Lamont , ..., Ian Hampton, Rodney Kable, Andrew Brown, Anthony Miller, Nick Barcza, Graham Thompson, ..., ... .
1953BC_0018: BC Address by Mrs E Mountstephens at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.
Unknown1953BC_00019: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - Charles H Leake lays the foundation stone (wide view)
Unknown1953BC_00021: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel: view from upper BC classroom block towards Dining Hall
Unknown1953BC_0007: BC Address by Rev Ambrose Reeves at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.
Unknown1953BC_0011: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - view of the congregation from BC upper floor corridor
Unknown1953BC_0022: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - view of the congregation from BC upper floor corridor towards Collins House
Unknown1953BC_00012: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - Charles H Leake lays the foundation stone
Unknown1953BC_0023: Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel - view of the congregation from BC upper floor corridor towards the Dining Hall
Unknown1953BC_0016: BC Address by Rev Dr Webb at the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Chapel.
Seated to the left are Mr and Mrs Mears and Rev Ambrose Reeves; to the righ: Mr Gilbert Tucker, Mr Leake, and Rev Arnold J Walker.
1953BC_0010: Foundation staff
Mr EM (Monty) Harris, Miss A M Doehring, Miss EC Walmsley, Mr WGA Mears
1953BC_0009: View to the north of the BC Classroom block from the foundations of the Chapel and showing the congregation present at the event.
Unknown1953BC_00014: College Official Opening: Methodist ministers with BP foundation student
Rev Ambrose Reeves , Rev Dr J B Webb, Karl Schrader (Class of 1963)
1953BC_00020: College Official Opening: Congregation at entrance to BC Administration block
Unknown1953BC_0025: View to the north of the BC Classroom block from the foundations of the Chapel and showing the congregation present at the event.
Unknown1953 College Official Opening programme, 11th August, 1953.
St Stithians College1953BC_00020: College Official Opening: Mrs Mountstephens unveils the Founders' plaque
Unknown1953 College Prospectus containing details of admission, fees, uniforms etc.
St Stithians CollegeNoticeboard near the Corlett Gate entrance erected to advertise the opening of the College.
1953 Foundation staff photo
Left to right: EM (Monty) Harris; Miss Doehring; Miss Walmsley; Mr Wally Mears
1953 HA 004a Founders formal portrait: William Mountstephens
Unknown1953 HA 004b Founders formal portrait: Albert Charles Collins
Unknown1953 HA 005 Collins House north west with car Feb 1953
Unknown1953 HA 007a Collins House north view 3
Unknown1953 HA 007b Collins House north
Unknown1953 HA 007c View of construction of BC classroom block from Dining Hall, Feb 1953
Unknown1953 HA 007d Collins House north view
Unknown1953 HA 007e Collins House north view
Unknown1953 HA 007f Collins House east
Unknown1953 HA 007g Collins House east
UnknownPortrait photograph of Rev Dr J R Webb who conducted the service of the laying of the College foundation stone. At the time he was the head of the Methodist Church in South Africa.
Unknown1953 HA 014a Leake lays Foundation Stone
Unknown1953 HA 014b Mrs Mountstephens unveils Founders plaque in the foyer of the Boys' College.
Unknown1953 HA 015a Chapel Foundation stone assembly
Unknown1953 HA 015b Chapel Foundation stone Rev Reeves addresses the assembly.
Unknown1953 HA 016a Chapel foundation stone assembly looking from the Dining Hall towards the BC buildings.
Unknown1953 HA 016b Chapel foundation stone laying: view across the Chapel foundations 19530811
Unknown1953 HA 017a Chapel foundation stone Rev Webb address
Unknown1953 HA 017b Chapel foundation stone official party at plaque
Left to right: Reeves, Webb, Tucker, Mountstephens, Leake
1953 HA 018a Chapel Foundation Stone
Unknown1953 HA 018a Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly.
Unknown1953 HA 018c Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly towards Collins House.
Unknown1953 HA 019a Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly towards Collins House.
Unknown1953 HA 019a Chapel Foundation Stone: view of the assembly towards Collins House.
Unknown1953 HA 019c Architects at Dining Hall 19530811
Left to right: [unidentified but thought to include CM Paynter and possibly AJ Marshall who were appointed in 1944]
1953 HA 019d Chapel plaque unveiled by Mrs Mountstephens
Unknown1953 HA 019e Chapel foundation stone assembly 006
Unknown1953 HA 019f BC Administration Building 19530811 viewed across the Chapel foundations
Unknown1953 HA 019g Chapel Foundation stone Mr & Mrs Tucker 19530811
Unknown1953 HA 020 Chapel foundation stone Rev Webb address 002
Unknown1953 HA 021a Chapel construction
Unknown1953 HA 021a Chapel construction
Unknown1953 HA 021a Chapel construction 003 view from Collins House.
Unknown1953 HA 021d BC Classroom block construction: view from Chapel Quad.
Unknown1953 HA 021e BC Classrooms construction: view from Collins House
Unknown1953 HA 109 Founders commemorative plaque
Unknown1953 Prospectus of St Stithians College for Boys 001. The handwritten notes in this copy differ slightly from those in the second copy.
St Stithians College1953 Prospectus of St Stithians College for Boys: cover. The handwritten notes in this copy differ slightly from those in the second copy.
St Stithians College1953 Prospectus of St Stithians College for Boys 002. The handwritten notes in this copy differ slightly from those in the first copy.
St Stithians College1953 Prospectus of St Stithians College for Boys 002: content. The handwritten notes in this copy differ slightly from those in the first copy.
St Stithians College1953 Prospectus of St Stithians College for Boys 002: cover. The handwritten notes in this copy differ slightly from those in the first copy.
St Stithians College1953 Prospectus of St Stithians College for Boys 001: content. The handwritten notes in this copy differ slightly from those in the second copy.
St Stithians CollegeProgramme of the event, 11th August, 1953.
Boys' CollegeProgramme of the event, 11th August, 1953 for guests,
Boys' College1953BC_0024: View across Baytopp playing fields towards BC buildings
Note: This may have been taken in early 1954 as Mountstephens House can be seen in the photo, but the Chapel building is still incomplete.
The first Rugby team at the College that played St Johns College
TBI - names of individuals to be confirmed.
The photograph is likely to have included the following (amongst others):
Ashfield, Miller, Craven, Abraham, Curtis, Wilkinson, Unite, Mercer-Tod, Driver, Swan, Vickers
Woolley, Cruddas, Buchan, Taylor.
Formal group photograph of the 1955 Grade 4 class taken in front of BC reception.
Unknown1956 HA 055a Chapel Harris wedding: bride entering the Chapel. The bride is the daughter of EM Harris. This was the first wedding to take place in the Chapel.
1956 HA 055b Chapel Harris wedding: Mr & Mrs Hacking. The bride is the daughter of EM Harris. This was the first wedding to take place in the Chapel.
1956 HA 055d Chapel Harris wedding. The bride enters the Chapel with her father, EM Harris. This was the first wedding to take place in the Chapel. The name of the bridesmaid is not recorded.
1959 BC Sports Day Baytopp ST p069 001
Unknown1959 BC Sports Day Baytopp NIS 002
Unknown1959c St Stithians College Prospectus
The date of this Prospectus is estimated from the contents: it refers back to the opening of the College in 1953 and the fees are still quoted in sterling. (South Africa changed its monetary system from sterling to Rands in 1960 and later issues reflect this.)
1959c St Stithians College Prospectus: content
The date of this Prospectus is estimated from the contents: it refers back to the opening of the College in 1953 and the fees are still quoted in sterling. (South Africa changed its monetary system from sterling to Rands in 1960 and later issues reflect this.)
1959c St Stithians College Prospectus: cover
The date of this Prospectus is estimated from the contents: it refers back to the opening of the College in 1953 and the fees are still quoted in sterling. (South Africa changed its monetary system from sterling to Rands in 1960 and later issues reflect this.)
1961c. St Stithians College: A Methodist School for Boys [prospectus]
The date of the publication is estimated from the fact that the fees are quoted in Rands. South Africa converted from sterling to Rands in February, 1961. Although the word, prospectus, does not appear in the title, the contents duplicate those of earlier prospectuses.