Academic awards

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        Academic awards

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            Academic awards

              31 Archival description results for Academic awards

              31 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-04-05-29 · Item · 1984
              Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

              1984 BC Honours Blazers ST p020
              Back row: L Sherrell (Cricket, Rugby), I A Reid (Rowing), P J Brink (Rowing), G B McMichael (Academics, Cultural), E Mauff (Rowing), C W Archbold (Rugby, Water Polo), A de Leo (Rugby, Water Polo);
              Middle row: M J Koep (Squash), A S Whitelaw (Rugby), J L D Hrusa (Academics), J A Herbertson (Swimming), I F Alexander (Rowing);
              Front row: G P Wilkins (Academics) T E Gerntholtz (Academics), M ‘tsas-Rolfes (Academics), C C King (Academics), A H Abbott (Academics), T G Thackwray (Academics), A G Benadie (Academics, Athletics);
              Seated in front: M G Dixon (Swimming).

              Boys' College
              ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-08-04-006-01 · Part · 2013
              Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

              2013 BC G12 Academic Honours
              The photo includes the following boys (A-Z):
              Ivan Briechle, Wade Cresswell, Ryan Davies, Timothy Douglas, Angus Ellis-Cole, Timothy Evans, Michael Gray, Jonathan Hawinkels, Nicholas Hern, Ross Howard, Jason Hyslop, Matthew Leigh, Uveshin Moodley, Lishanthan Naidoo, Nikolas Panourgias, Roald Roodt, Richard Simpson, Connor Thomas, Benjamin Walker, Stuart Wilson, Sinethemba Zulu.
              Peter Wright (Deputy Head), David Knowles (Head)

              Boys' College
              ZA ZAR STS 2019-007-08-04-006-02 · Part · 2013
              Part of Boys' College and Boys' Prep photographs 1953 onwards

              2013 BC G12 Academic Honours 02 Matrics
              Photo includes:
              Ivan Briechle, Wade Cresswell, Ryan Davies, Timothy Douglas, Angus Ellis-Cole, Timothy Evans, Michael Gray, Jonathan Hawinkels, Nicholas Hern, Ross Howard, Jason Hyslop, Matthew Leigh, Uveshin Moodley, Lishanthan Naidoo, Nikolas Panourgias, Roald Roodt, Richard Simpson, Connor Thomas, Benjamin Walker, Stuart Wilson, Sinethemba Zulu.
              Peter Wright (Deputy Head), David Knowles (Head).

              Boys' College