1953 BC Grade 8 class
Derek Worman PhotographerClass of 1957
17 Archival description results for Class of 1957
1953BC_0003: Foundation class Std 6 (Grade 8)
Back row: Endenburg, Cook, Neves, Aitken, Wilkinson, Lotter, Ashfield, Lewis, Reeves
Middle row: Kelly, McMillan, Woolley. Westhorpe, Wallis, Mair, Harvey, JF Vickers, Campbell
Front row: Coetsee, Hayes, Taylor, EM Harris, J de W Bennett, Johnson, DH Bennet
1953 HA 010 BC Std 6 (Grade 8)
Unknown1955 HA 037 BC Std 8 (Grade 10) Class photo
1956 BC Grade 11 class
Unknown1956 Std 9 (Grade 11) Class photograph
Unknown1956 HA 060 BC Std 9 Grade 11 Class
1957 BC Cricket 1st XI ST 070
Back row: T. Ryan, S. Maxwell, T. Sutcliffe, P.A. Lunn, J.G. Turner, M.C. Bresler, B. van Eyk, T. Christensen, R.D. Bradley;
Front row: M.D. Wilson, R. Mercer-Tod, E.P. Pfaff (capt.), Mr W Mears, Mr R.E. Hudson-Reed, M.J. Nayler (vice-capt.), A.M. Marriner.
1957 BC Cricket 1st XI ST p070 Team photograph
Unknown1957 BC Matric Dinner: "Farewell dinner to the Second Company of the '53rd Pioneers" dinner, 7th December 1957.
Program contains menu and names of Class of 1957 as well as those of Staff and Council members.
1957 BC Rugby 1st XV ST p062 Team photograph
Back row: A Callard, JF Vickers, DM Hardy, LS Wood, JW Mair, CP Cook, GJW Wilkinson;
Middle row: PH Livingstone, JF Rosewarne, GM Miller (capt.), Mr Krige, RW Taylor (vice-capt.), , B Young, PLJ Nel;
Front row: RF Mercer-Tod, JA Thompson, BWA Kellar, MH Endenburg
1959 OSA Dinner group at the Wanderers Club.
Front row: Ewing, Miller, Palmer
Back row: Wilson, Elliot, Rosewarne
Marinus Endenburg Archive:
Items accumulated during Marius Endenburg's school years and his years involved in the OSA.
Items include:
1) Circular correspondence items
2) College prospectus
3) Chapel officialopening programme
4) Matric dinner programmes/menus
5) Programmes of Parents' annual dinner dances
6) OSA Annual dinner programmes/menus
7) OSA proposal for new club house
8) St Stithians College magazine 1953 - 1961 (Stythian)
Items accumulated during Marius Endenburg's school years:
Items include:
1) Circular correspondence items
2) College prospectus
3) Chapel official opening programme
4) Matric dinner programme/menus
5) Programmes of Parents' annual dinner dance
6) St Stithians College magazine 1953 - 1961 (Stythian)
Programme of the event which was the second ever Matric Dinner and which included 15 foundation students.
Boys' CollegeThe first two issues of the magazine did not use the name "Stythian". This second issue was simply entitled "St Stithians College:1957 - 1961" and the cover title was "St Stithians College Magazine 1957 - 1961".
School magazines recording the life and activities of the Boys' College and Boys' Prep between 1953 and 1995. Beyond 1995, each school produced their own magazine, with the Boys' College retaining the name "Stythian".
Contents of the magazine
Boys' College