1956 Std 7 (Grade 9) Class photograph
Unknown1956 Std 7 (Grade 9) Class photograph
UnknownDigital links to stories of our alumni from 1959.
Various1959 BC Cricket 1st XI NIS McLaren Collection
Back row: B. L. Black, B. van Eyk, C McLeod, B. G. Ditcham, P. Lunn, T. Sutcliffe, T. Ryan, J.P. Ullman;
Front ow: D.M. Hardy, M.C. Bressler (capt.), Mr W.G. Mears (Headmaster), Mr D. E. Hudson-Reed, S. Maxwell (capt. - 1st term), R.D. Bradley.
1959 BC Matric Class photograph
Back row: R J C Pellow, S Maxwell, D T Robertson (Library Prefect), P A Weaver, C R Roper, V E Meagher, I W Beith, P E P Veit;
Front row: Mr E M Harris (Form Master), M C Bresler (Prefect), D D Scott (Prefect), M W G A Mears (Headmaster), T Leach (Prefect), B Hambleton-Jones (Prefect), Mr M T S Krige ( Vice-principal).
1959 BC Rugby 1st XV p066
Back row: J.P. Ullman, B.G. Ditcham, T. Sutcliffe, P.A. Weaver, J.C. Preston, L.P. Bradfield;
Second row: P.E. Veit, P. Lunn, B. Hambleton-Jones, T. Leach, D.D. Scott;
Front row: B. van Eyk, T. Ryan (capt.), Mr M.T. S. Krige, Mr W.G.A. Mears, D.M. Hardy (vice-capt.), V.E. Meagher.
1959 HA 073 Swimming gala diving scene
1959 HA 074 Swimming gala diving 002
1959 HA 078 BC Matric Class (Grade 12)
Digital link to Terry Ryan's history and achievements: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Ryan_(tennis)
Photograph of Terry Ryan at Wimbledon in 1968 courtesy https://www.ebay.co.uk/
The first two issues of the magazine did not use the name "Stythian". This second issue was simply entitled "St Stithians College:1957 - 1961" and the cover title was "St Stithians College Magazine 1957 - 1961".
School magazines recording the life and activities of the Boys' College and Boys' Prep between 1953 and 1995. Beyond 1995, each school produced their own magazine, with the Boys' College retaining the name "Stythian".
Contents of the magazine
Boys' College