Formal group photograph of the 1952 Grade 1 Class at an unidentified school that Norman Tickton attended before he joined the BP mid-year, 1953.
B.R.S. Photographers (Pty) Ltd.Foundation students
429 Archival description results for Foundation students
1953 - 1956 Stythian magazine [incomplete]
St Stithians CollegeLegend to accompanying photograph as identified by Mrs Barcza, former class teacher.
Barcza, Mrs L A M1953 BC Foundation scholars taken by Miss Doehring.
Legend contained as identified by Mrs Barcza in accompanying document.
1953 BC Foundation scholars, view looking across what was later to become the suburb of Parkmore, towards the ridge where Sandton City was built in 1973 on Zandfontein Farm.
This photograph illustrates the remoteness of the St Stithians property at the time the College was founded. The property, itself a portion of the original Driefontein Farm, was surrounded by farmland in 1953.
1953 BC Grade 8 class
Derek Worman Photographer1953BC_0003: Foundation class Std 6 (Grade 8)
Back row: Endenburg, Cook, Neves, Aitken, Wilkinson, Lotter, Ashfield, Lewis, Reeves
Middle row: Kelly, McMillan, Woolley. Westhorpe, Wallis, Mair, Harvey, JF Vickers, Campbell
Front row: Coetsee, Hayes, Taylor, EM Harris, J de W Bennett, Johnson, DH Bennet
1953BC_0004: Foundation class Std 7 (Grade 9)
Back row: Swan, Curtis, Craven, Borchers, Abraham, Driver, Rankine,
Front row: Buchan, Laing, EM Harris, Murrish, Cruddas
1953 BP Grade 1 and 2 first photo on wagon, believed to have been taken by Miss Doehring. Names of most of the children have been identified as follows:
In the group on the wagon: David Gass, Anthony Miller, Bruce Joscelyne, John Napier, Norman Tickton, Douglas MacGregor, Andrew Brown, John Aubrey, Kenneth Kay, (John?) Donaldson, Karl Schrader, Rodney Kable, Paul Arnold;
On the wagon bar (left to right): Graeme Thompson, John Angus, Roger King, Hugh Laburn, Nicholas Barcza, John Goode, Paul Nash
Three boys were not identified in the photograph.
1953BC_0005: BC D6 Classroom which served as the original Grade 1 classroom when the College opened.
Derek Worman PhotographerInformal group photograph of the Grade 2 foundation class taken in September, 1953 just after Norman Tickton joined the school. The photograph was taken in the Chapel area and shows construction work and Collins House in the background.
UnknownInformal group photograph of the Grade 1 foundation class taken in July, 1953, just before Norman Tickton joined the school. The view is towards Zandfontein Farm, the site of the present day Sandton City.
UnknownFormal group photograph of the 1953 Grade 2 foundation class
Derek Worman Photographer1953BC_0006: Foundation class Grades 1 and 2
Legend (as identified by Rob McLaren):
Back row: John Goode, ... , Richard Read, Hamish Gordon, Hugh Laburn, ..., ...., Paul Nash, ..., John Napier, Paul Arnold, Kenny Kay;
Middle row: Norman Tickton, Karl Shrader, ..., David A (Ikey) Lewis, ..., Bruce Joscelyne, Richard Pryce, ..., ..., Rohan Lobb , ...;
Front row: John Lamont , ..., Ian Hampton, Rodney Kable, Andrew Brown, Anthony Miller, Nick Barcza, Graham Thompson, ..., ... .
1953 BP The Founders Grade 1 and Grade 2 class
Boys' Prep1953 HA 008 BP Grade 2 1953 informal. Group picture taken looking towards Zandfontein Farm where Sandton City was later built.
Unknown1953 HA 009 BC Std 7 (Grade 9)
Unknown1953 HA 010 BC Std 6 (Grade 8)
UnknownInformal photograph of Miller
Driver, Malcolm W WInformal photograph including Malcolm Driver, Marinus Endenburg and their partners at a New Year's Eve dance.
UnknownThe Rugby 1st XV (U15) Rugby team photograph from the first match against St John's College. The photograph appears in the Stythian magazine of 1964 p.042.
Back row: Ashfield, Miller, Craven, Abraham, Curtis, Wilkinson
Middle row: Unite, Mercer-Tod, Driver, Swan, Vickers
Front row: Woodley, Reeves, Cruddas, Buchan, Taylor
1954 Grade 2 School report [anon] signed by Mis D Pescod and Wally Mears.
St Stithians College1954 HA 025a BP Burgess Roughton individual photograph informal
Unknown1954 HA 025b BP Burgess Roughton in 1964 HMS Conway. (It is understood that Burgess may have been related to either Harris or Mears hence the appearance of the photograph in the albums.)
Unknown1954 HA 025c BP Grade 2 and Grade 3 on gate. It is understood that this was the original gate to the school close to the centre of Randburg. It would have been on the part of the school property that was sold of in the 1980s.
Unknown1954 HA 026 BC Std 8 (Grade 10) in classroom
UnknownFormal group photograph of the 1955 Grade 4 class taken in front of BC reception.
Unknown1955 Standard I School report [anon] signed by Miss Doehring and Wally Mears.
St Stithians College1956 BC Matric Dinner: "Coming of Age" dinner, 8th December 1956
Contains details of the first Matriculants, Founder students and the Staff and Council members at the time.
1957 BC Matric Dinner: "Farewell dinner to the Second Company of the '53rd Pioneers" dinner, 7th December 1957.
Program contains menu and names of Class of 1957 as well as those of Staff and Council members.
1957 College 2nd Diner-Dansant, Inanda Club, 9th October 1957
St Stithians College1963 BC lapel badge Graeme Read with notes
Note identifies Mrs Barcza as having named the boys in the first photograph
Digital links to articles on Paul Nash: (footage of his record-breaking 100 yards run in 1968) (footage of his record-breaking 220 yards run in 1968)
Various1977 BC Newsletter #1 Serve the Future Hour, April 1977, No.1, page 2. First edition of a 4-page newsletter entitled "Serve the Future Hour". This title was later used as the title of Macfarlane's history of the College: "To Serve the Future Hour".
Boys' College1980 OSA Cricket team Huggett collection 001
Back row: Dave Hill, Nick Wilkinson, Barry Tyson, Rob McLaren, Peter Scott, TBI, Mike Sidwell
2nd row: Anthony Montgomery, Hugh Laburn, Gavin Coulson, Terry Gilham, Gareth Pyne-James, Colin Sergeant (?),
Seated in front: Dave (?)
1980 OSA Cricket team Huggett collection 002
Seated in front:
Front row:
Back row:
1994 GP photographs: informal photographs taken of events in the GC and GP
1994 GP Welcome day
1994 GP photographs: informal photographs taken of events in the GP
1994 GP Welcome day 036
1995 GC GP Action Day 19950311 006
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 001 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 0002 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 003 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 005 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 007 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
Sandton Chronicle1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 008 Founder Pupils AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 010 Pitts Carter AvZ DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 013 Founder pupils Laburn Thompson AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 014 AvZ Pitts Laburn DBW
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 015 AvZ Staff Founder pupils
Front row: Debbie Thompson, Louise Thompson, Victoria Laburn, Kathleen Sterne
Back row: Anne van Zyl (Head), Jennifer Smith (Deputy Head), Heather McArthur, Judy Ford, Kathryn Loubser,
Laurian Goodwin, Joanne Doyle
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 017
Sandton Chronicle1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 018 Founder pupils AvZ Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 019 Mullin Jansen AvZ Staff Founder pupils
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 024 Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 026 Founder Pupils Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 027 Founder pupils AvZ Pitts
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 028 Founder pupils AvZ Staff
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 029 Founder G3 Pupils Staff AvZ
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 030 Founder pupils Pitts DBW Rev Roberts McLachlan Mullin
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 033 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils on Grader
1995 GC GP First sod 19950307 034 Founder G2 & 3 Pupils Thompson Sterne Thompson Laburn
1995 GC GP Launch new winter uniform 001 von Glehns
The Star1995 GC GP Launch new winter uniform 002 von Glehns
1995 GC GP Launch new winter uniform 003
Sandton Chronicle1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 003
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 004
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 005
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 006
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 007
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 008
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 009
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 010
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 011
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 012
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 013
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 014
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 015
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 016
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 017
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 018
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 019
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 020
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 021
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 022
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 023
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 024
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 025
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 026
1995 GP Beatrix Potter drama production 027: presentation to Ingrid Wylde (producer)
1995 GP Chapel 001
Girls' College1995 GP Chapel walk 001
Girls' Prep1995 GP First day of school 016
Girls' PrepThe Founder staff and students (Grade 1, Grade 2 and Standard 1) of the Girls' Preparatory in 1995
1995 GP students
1995 GP Grade 1 Art 001
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP uniform.
1995 GP G1 Art 002
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.
1995 GP G1 Art 003
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.
1995 GP G1 Art 004
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.
1995 GP G1 Art 005
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.
1995 GP G1 Art 006
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.
1995 GP G1 Art 007
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.
1995 GP G1 Art 008
Note that in the first few years the GP girls in Grades 1 and 2 wore the full GP winter or summer uniforms.